Message from @π•Ύπ–•π–”π–”π–π–ž

Discord ID: 784656112896311306

2020-12-05 05:19:08 UTC  

maybe 10%

2020-12-05 05:19:41 UTC  

well at this point maga and GOP 2 different parties heh

2020-12-05 05:19:59 UTC  

But then again they always attack the most vulnerable or when you have your back turned against them

2020-12-05 05:20:33 UTC  

We have 17.4 million veterans un the US

2020-12-05 05:20:41 UTC  

Heh. I say, let them come

2020-12-05 05:20:57 UTC  


2020-12-05 05:21:01 UTC  

Theres about 65/35 R/D split

2020-12-05 05:21:06 UTC  

The whole world will know that we're having a party and that they don't want to attend

2020-12-05 05:21:28 UTC  

Might as well get it over with while I'm still young and in shape

2020-12-05 05:27:14 UTC  

Basically it would be the people with army experience commanding and training the ones that don’t

2020-12-05 05:31:34 UTC  

you dont even need that much experience

2020-12-05 05:31:52 UTC  

look at nam, look at Afghanistan, look at Iraq

2020-12-05 05:32:00 UTC  

these are militia wars

2020-12-05 05:32:22 UTC  

the entire high tech power of the US versus abunch of sheep and rice farmers that like to hide in bushes and caves

2020-12-05 05:32:27 UTC  

Vast majority of these communists would quiver and run as soon as the bullets start flying back at them

2020-12-05 05:32:53 UTC  

Some of them would put up a fight, but probably a lot less than half

2020-12-05 05:37:47 UTC  

So a war with ex-arm forces officials, hunters, and police on one side vs thugs, criminals, and scrawny twigs on the other side

2020-12-05 05:38:04 UTC  

Don't forget pedophiles

2020-12-05 05:38:58 UTC  

That too

2020-12-05 05:39:13 UTC  

I guess that falls under criminals though

I am just hoping things will turn out for the better than the worse

I am really hoping that Scouts will take this case after all this proof has come out

2020-12-05 05:45:03 UTC  

Everytime people say "civil war with the left won't be that bad, it'll only take a few months and they'll suffer the most," I think of how almost every modern war is nothing like that.

2020-12-05 05:53:54 UTC  

He probably takes a load from his globalist masters

2020-12-05 05:58:01 UTC  

I do not want a civil war but if the choice is between a communist future or a civil war to stop that future then we have to fight.

However, it is foolish to think the civil war will be easy. The fight itself might well be an easy fight but the emotional toll it will take on our country will not be.

You all seem to forget that the commies are not just neckbeards bitching online in their parent's basement, they are also our children and grandchildren, our family and friends. Civil war will not be easy it will be terrible and painful even if we win we will lose a lot of relationships.

2020-12-05 05:58:12 UTC  

When is the last time each of you sat down with your children and grandchildren and asked them what they honestly believe in?

Ask them if they believe in God? Ask them if they believe the ends justify the means, or if all values are relatives?

Ask them if they support Capitalism or if they think Communism and socialism could be good ideas?

Many people have absolutely no idea just how bad the brainwashing of this country is. The problem is much worse than what the polls show. The problem is much bigger than the SJWs we see on the news.

2020-12-05 05:58:24 UTC  

Furthermore, even if we win the 2nd civil war we do not gain much. The root of the problem is not who is in power but who voted for them and why they voted for them. The problem is in our hearts.

At best we will win 4 more years of Trump and the removal of a bunch of corrupt politicians but then the corruption will come flooding right back in as soon as Trump leaves office.

2020-12-05 05:58:37 UTC  

The root of the problem is:

1. Half our population hates freedom and this country.

2. The people who put the corrupt people in power do so because they believe the democrat lies.

3. People will vote the corruption right back in because they get handouts from the government. Our government bribes voters with promises of handouts.

4. Everyone thinks they have the right to use government to tell other people what to do. We have abandoned our principles of freedom and natural rights. Either you believe in inalienable rights that cannot be violated no matter what (even for our political enemies) or you do not believe in rights at all.

2020-12-05 05:58:45 UTC  

5. Our people have abandoned our God. They do not believe in Him nor do they follow His commands. Unless we turn back to God we will never get our country back: Trump or no Trump.

Personally, I think the best solution is to kick the leftist states out of the union and let them form the communist government they want and leave the rest of us out of it.

No matter what: We must turn back to God and remove the evil from our midst, and only then will we be able to restore our country.

2020-12-05 06:02:41 UTC  

I don't have kids and probably won't even live to see them if war breaks out, especially with how bad conditions are in this country already.

2020-12-05 06:07:31 UTC  

Eli, you have no clue how good you have it here!

2020-12-05 06:07:58 UTC  

Yea things are very bad in this country. I hope it doesn't come to war but at the same time peace at any cost is not peace. I will fight if I have to.

2020-12-05 06:10:11 UTC  

And all of that will be gone if war breaks out.

I really hope it does not come down to war. I really don't want it to happen. If can avoid it, then we should.

2020-12-05 06:10:49 UTC  


2020-12-05 06:10:56 UTC  

do you guys think trump can pull through?

2020-12-05 06:11:53 UTC  

Yes things are better in this country than in most. Condemnation by faint praise. imo. I thank God I am in this country every day. But I wise our people and our governmnet we a lot more moral. I think that even if Trump "loses" we can still have peace if we are willing to work very hard to stop election fraud in the future. I think Trump will win but all we can do now is Pray hard.

2020-12-05 06:12:23 UTC  

*But I wish our people and our governmnet were a lot more moral

2020-12-05 06:14:41 UTC  

Have you been put into an interment camp, lost everything you had, just waiting for your organs to be harvested? Have you been walked out of your home with your baby crying because it’s been beaten and left to die as your marched to the town square to be publicly executed as an example? Have your loved ones been raped because of the color of their skin and then be unable to have children? That’s just a few things that could and are currently happening. You have to fix the problem yourself by running for office(even if it’s just local), being moral yourself. No one is perfect but we are far from a horrible nation as we are being made out to be.

2020-12-05 06:16:12 UTC  


2020-12-05 06:16:32 UTC  

I know things are bad in the rest of the world. I am not saying the nation is horrible I am saying that we need to fix the problems in our hearts in order to save the country.