Message from @Marcel l'éléphant

Discord ID: 787173373625106452

2020-12-12 03:55:33 UTC  


2020-12-12 03:55:44 UTC  

Something better happen to someone

2020-12-12 03:59:29 UTC  

I heard that we’re going to be hearing a lot about dominion next week according to an interview with that MI dominion whistle blower

2020-12-12 03:59:59 UTC  

so i did some research just for fun on the constitutionality of secession in the US.
What i found was that there is no such amendment in the US constitution that explicitly bans secession of any kind
there is also no amendment that outlines a legal method to secession
which makes Antonin Scalia's ruling of the Texas Secession attempt 2012/2014 (cant remember the exact year) one based off of a flawed logic
with his ruling that states no state can legally secede from the Union, however Texas has the ability to split into 5 smaller states if it so chooses
the flawed logic being that to him since there is no amendment outlining a legal method of secession, then it is illegal for all states to secede

2020-12-12 04:00:33 UTC  

@Zilla I know you like the idea of secession but we might not need that.... yet

2020-12-12 04:00:41 UTC  

i know, just pointing it out

2020-12-12 04:00:47 UTC  

I know

2020-12-12 04:01:32 UTC  

but if all else fails, it is our deadmans switch

2020-12-12 04:02:01 UTC  

Scalia is dead so we can do it now

2020-12-12 04:02:26 UTC  

That seems like a fair gauge. I'll probably not lose all hope even if the-woman-who-does-the-name-bad renounces her seat, but it'll probably be only a sliver left at that point. After all, she might give it up to get that response (although I doubt it. She likes power). If President Trump concedes, then yes, the election is over.

2020-12-12 04:03:08 UTC  

She won’t give up her seat until the day before the inauguration

2020-12-12 04:03:34 UTC  

Most likely, yes.

2020-12-12 04:04:24 UTC  

I would guess that even if this went 100% their way, she still would wait so she could vote in Senate stuff up until she took her new office.

2020-12-12 04:22:26 UTC  

so Machine in GA were connected to internet? And we have the result of MI machines?

2020-12-12 04:23:16 UTC  

Ethernet port, yes.

2020-12-12 04:23:27 UTC  


2020-12-12 04:23:31 UTC  

The same port you plug into your PC.

2020-12-12 04:23:35 UTC  

So next week we gonna hear more about this?

2020-12-12 04:23:42 UTC  


2020-12-12 04:23:59 UTC  

im pretty sure the governor of Michigan stopped trump team from looking at it

2020-12-12 04:25:57 UTC  

link plz

2020-12-12 04:27:31 UTC  

Basically, because she is a supah Dem.

2020-12-12 04:28:30 UTC

2020-12-12 04:30:42 UTC  


2020-12-12 04:30:43 UTC  

AOClown the above link I posted is for you.

2020-12-12 04:31:05 UTC  

Whatever Sidney has, it better be worth it. 🙄

2020-12-12 04:31:32 UTC  

If she's a military lawyer, she should charge Raffensperger and Benson with TREASON!

2020-12-12 04:31:45 UTC  

I mean Sidney Powell has given us good stuff, but no one is hearing any of it.

2020-12-12 04:45:08 UTC  

Do we know what TX need to change?

2020-12-12 04:45:16 UTC  


2020-12-12 04:45:22 UTC  

Them threatening to secede.

2020-12-12 04:45:27 UTC  

i think they need to find injury to sue and DONT SAY THEY WILL SECEDE XD

2020-12-12 04:45:29 UTC  

In that suit.

2020-12-12 04:45:33 UTC  

but they have to say a reason too

2020-12-12 04:45:40 UTC  

And that's what cucked them by the three Trump appointed judges.

2020-12-12 04:45:50 UTC  

Them violating Section 3 of the Constitution.

2020-12-12 04:47:14 UTC  

what it say?è

2020-12-12 04:47:21 UTC  

They also need injury

2020-12-12 04:48:05 UTC  

They need to add more evidence too.

2020-12-12 04:48:20 UTC  

We got plenty of evidence to provide them.