Message from @JudgeAzule

Discord ID: 789665835412226078

2020-12-19 00:03:52 UTC  


2020-12-19 00:05:58 UTC  

why would pelosi be president?

2020-12-19 00:09:19 UTC  

the question of whether a candidate has won the Electoral College is taken up in the courts, and the issue remains unresolved past January 20. The presidential line of succession, established in 3 U.S. Code § 19, part of the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, lays out who would assume the role should there be a vacancy in the offices of both president and vice president.[3][4] The outcome depends on whether a new Congress has been sworn in by January 20.

If a new Congress has been sworn in, the next in line would be the speaker of the House of Representatives, currently Nancy Pelosi (D). If re-elected to both her seat and the speakership, she would serve as acting president until the election is decided. The Twentieth Amendment to the Constitution requires that each new Congress convene on January 3, unless the previous Congress passed a law that set a different date.[5]

2020-12-19 00:09:43 UTC  


2020-12-19 00:18:18 UTC  

is there another source that say trump have the report except gateawaypundit?

2020-12-19 00:19:54 UTC  

The tweet if you scroll up.

2020-12-19 00:20:26 UTC  

the source is gateawaypundit

2020-12-19 00:24:20 UTC  

the report is on eric Swalwell
Not EO 2018

2020-12-19 00:42:42 UTC  

This tweet by Pompeo is an indicator that DNI Radcliff produced the report which leads to the next step in the process...

2020-12-19 00:44:28 UTC  

Swalwell is prob in the big document of interference and it was a code word

2020-12-19 00:44:30 UTC  

I tough that was about venezulian
But it was posted after

2020-12-19 00:55:41 UTC  

Well, not exactly sure what you are referring.
Re: POTUS EO regarding foreign interference in our elections... that interference will be revealed in the DNI's intelligence report, which will then be assessed by the interagencies that Pompeo refers to. This will probably create recommendations for sanctions against those foreign entities and likely their connections to those in the US who were involved.

2020-12-19 01:11:21 UTC  

Any good news?

2020-12-19 01:11:34 UTC  

it's Friday

2020-12-19 01:11:39 UTC  


2020-12-19 01:22:12 UTC  
2020-12-19 01:22:28 UTC  


2020-12-19 01:28:01 UTC  

Good thing I’m on an isolated ski mountain when the riots happen

2020-12-19 01:29:57 UTC  

Not so sure they will be allowing that to happen.

2020-12-19 01:30:06 UTC  


2020-12-19 01:31:43 UTC  

basically no stopping it if it's against those that violate constitutional laws

2020-12-19 01:45:52 UTC  

So is he definitely going to invoke martial law in these places?

2020-12-19 01:46:17 UTC  


2020-12-19 01:46:58 UTC  

We will only know when it happens.

2020-12-19 01:48:23 UTC  

When they sweep Georgia, I only ask that they rough up Kemp, Raffensperger, and Sterling as they drag them off to prison... I'm talking full billy club beat down. No need to be stingy with the tazers either.

2020-12-19 01:49:53 UTC  

vid above discussed Georgia at 13 minute mark

2020-12-19 01:50:46 UTC  

I'm ready... The military can do what they like. I have 56+ mega rolls of toilet paper and enough food for over a month.

2020-12-19 02:11:46 UTC  

Oh dude, you're set for 15 days with that

2020-12-19 02:17:13 UTC  

@ErrantBelle, let's avoid discussing violence here

2020-12-19 02:44:09 UTC  

If this actually happens in WI, I'll let y'all know if I see anything.

2020-12-19 02:44:53 UTC  

Great! Share it with the world!

2020-12-19 02:45:48 UTC  

gee, i wonder whats this about -

2020-12-19 02:47:51 UTC  
2020-12-19 03:01:07 UTC  

God i hope they only target the areas that matter, im from pa but in a red county so hopefully we will not be impacted that badly in martial law is enacted.

2020-12-19 03:12:25 UTC  

i live in alleghaney county its a blue county but it has a large concentration of trump voters

2020-12-19 03:23:55 UTC  


2020-12-19 03:31:46 UTC  

guess who is going to listen? absolutely fucking nobody