Message from @FootballNinja_HM (EST)

Discord ID: 791689580326813707

2020-12-23 23:59:21 UTC  

I believe it will honestly

2020-12-24 00:13:20 UTC  

Watch Trump do one right out if left field

2020-12-24 03:34:37 UTC  
2020-12-24 06:06:00 UTC  

Does somebody has a link to a mathematician that explains the probability of Biden getting 130.000.000 votes consecutively? Asking for a friend. Thank you in advance.

2020-12-24 06:12:57 UTC  

If you take the odds at 50/50, each is a 1/2 chance... 0.5 to the 130,000,000th power is arguably an answer.

2020-12-24 06:18:37 UTC  

130 thousand, not million

2020-12-24 06:20:10 UTC  

Doi... 🤦🏻 sorry.

2020-12-24 06:21:34 UTC  

The odds of thousands are a lot better than millions but still terrible.

2020-12-24 06:26:11 UTC  

7.346839692639297e-40 ... I think

2020-12-24 06:46:49 UTC  

That would be misleading as a statistic. It would be appropriate if the question was
“What are the odds of any random 130,000 votes coming back 100% for Biden?”, but since the question was asking about a specific dump when they counted mail in ballots differently, then the statistic and the math behind it would be different

2020-12-24 13:58:16 UTC

Donald J. Trump

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)

The media won't admit it.

2020-12-24 14:07:23 UTC  

The media are so quick to move on and ignore what's right in front,of their faces. It's sickening. I cant wait for them to be tossed to the curb like BLM was, and then they're left wondering what to do. It's gonna be glorious.

Also, I live close enough to GA where I'm having to suffer through all 10 billion of their Senate ads and John Osoff is proclaiming that he wants to champion a new civil rights act AND a new voting rights act, all while on a green screen of the famous bridge in Alabama

2020-12-24 14:10:18 UTC  

This is true. I don't know the approximate odds regarding the votes. Most likely there were more mail in vlballots for Biden so if we take it at a 2 to 1 ratio in favor of Biden, there's a 66% chance that a single vote would be for him. In short, all one would have to do is replace the 0.5 with the odds of Biden getting a vote (whetherit's 50% or even as high as 99%). I don't know the ratio myself and who knows, maybe I'm misunderstanding something.
Looks like a mess but a case in the same vein of texas's but brought forth by the aggrieved states. I wish them the best of luck.

2020-12-24 15:31:44 UTC  

I live in NC and I get hundreds upon hundreds of Jon Ossof and Raphael Warnock ads every single week and it's getting over the top annoying, and yet I don't live in Georgia.

2020-12-24 15:36:17 UTC  

Sadly, lots of people will be hoodwinked by those losers and tens of thousands of others won't have their vote count because of rampant voter fraud in Georgia.

2020-12-24 15:36:43 UTC  

I'm gonna be real happy if Ossof were to lose and that would mean he wanted so much money on ads and lost, same goes for Raphael Warnock.

2020-12-24 15:40:02 UTC  

Warnock could not be voted for because of Police tape leaks

2020-12-24 16:13:00 UTC  

People don't care about that, unfortunately. They won't listen because the media doesn't cover it.

2020-12-24 16:48:36 UTC  

Guys <#760648730431979560> plz

2020-12-24 18:15:37 UTC  

Do NOT get your hopes up about Georgia. The GOP sold voters out to the Leftists in November; I fully expect them to do it again in January. Add to that a lot of Republicans and Independents who won't be voting in the run-offs because they are pissed, not to mention that Loeffler and Perdue are wildly unpopular candidates. The GOP failed to stand up against fraud in the Presidential election; now, the entire country is going to pay for their traitorous behavior...

2020-12-24 18:16:15 UTC  

🤞PA, AZ, and WI pull through for Trump

2020-12-24 18:22:03 UTC  

^Winner states

2020-12-24 18:23:44 UTC  

I’m not too confident about PA

2020-12-24 20:45:23 UTC  

Lmao it will make them vote more.

2020-12-24 22:03:30 UTC  

any new news on what this possible christmas miracle might be?

2020-12-24 22:05:09 UTC  

I'm wishing for an Insurrection Act on Christmas to have machines forensically audited.

2020-12-24 23:52:36 UTC  

I heard from a friend that there is a presidential alert test happening today, trying to find a source. They said it was from the Donald J. Trump for president twitter

2020-12-25 00:00:46 UTC  

? what is that?

2020-12-25 00:02:00 UTC  

an alert for Trump to directly communicate to people incase an emergency happens. Last one was in 2018. And it sounds like an AMBER Alert or a Weather Alert

2020-12-25 00:04:55 UTC  

it's hard coded into all com systems(phones/tvs/radio) way out of it except to unplug everything(the one thing that can't be blocked nor censored by social media or msm), emergency use only