Message from @john23

Discord ID: 792299053270302720

2020-12-25 18:44:15 UTC  

Maybe, it sounds interesting.

2020-12-25 20:59:23 UTC  

Yeah I'm not sure

2020-12-25 21:08:43 UTC  

Basically Nancy would be president but I don’t know what would happen if she wasn’t voted to be speaker of the house

2020-12-25 21:09:49 UTC  

it would prob be Kevin McCarthy

2020-12-25 21:09:54 UTC  


2020-12-25 21:10:01 UTC  


2020-12-26 01:42:46 UTC  

Wow, smart article. J.E Dyers can write!

2020-12-26 05:15:50 UTC  

I hope so. I want to see it happen and I'm sure a lot of other people do to

2020-12-26 05:42:42 UTC  
2020-12-26 06:53:48 UTC  

November 3rd- I’m confident we win the election

November 4th- voter fraud will be uncovered within a week
Mid to late November- It’ll all be over by December, Trump watermarked the ballots

Late November- State legislatures will flip

Early December- the safe harbor deadline isn’t till the 8th

December 8th- safe harbor deadline doesn’t mean anything, states will appoint their own electors

December 14- electors don’t matter, Trump 2018 EO still has till the 18th

December 19th- Rudy Giuliani says there will be big news Christmas Eve or Christmas

December 25th- starting after Christmas, stuff is gonna start picking up speed

I bet through January, January 6th will be portrayed as our only option and the day after people will find some new lost hope to grasp at

2020-12-26 06:56:17 UTC  

It's starting to seem that way

2020-12-26 06:58:17 UTC  

thats very true. its sad that this ever happened in the first place. if rudy was just bluffing it would kill his career. i just trust that trump is putting the pieces in place. perhaps he knew it would drag out.

2020-12-26 07:02:48 UTC  

can't tell the whole story before the movie has ended, let the show go on and grab the popcorn

2020-12-26 07:07:58 UTC  

i hope sooner or later someone can come up with the real numbers for this election that isnt some dude trust me bullshit. i want to see what the real results were

2020-12-26 07:11:36 UTC  

I still believe that an I have hope for Jan 6th, it just sucks when people get so hyped for a certain case/date and are 100% confident in it, and then move onto the next one with the same confidence

2020-12-26 07:17:20 UTC  

my money is sometime around 20th or later

2020-12-26 07:27:35 UTC  

But I don't think any action could be taken after Biden gets inaugurated. They'll say it was there, but it's too late to change it

2020-12-26 07:31:33 UTC  

I think legislature were supposed to vote but speakers are RINO
Still possible
But guliani under estimated the diffuclties of this

2020-12-26 07:53:34 UTC  

Ya I’ve started to notice the same thing I hope and pray it’s not so Trump can recover campaign costs through donations. However, if somehow we roll over and let them steal the election that’s the end of our country. We will be China’s

2020-12-26 12:04:04 UTC  

They want to create hopelessness and defeatism amongst the nation. They know they lost and they know they lost horribly but it's not going to stop what's coming.

2020-12-26 12:06:07 UTC  

Stay positive and know that We the People will not let another illegitimate president in our White House.

2020-12-26 12:31:44 UTC

2020-12-26 12:44:34 UTC  

did you know Anderson Cooper is Gloria Vanderbilts son?

2020-12-26 12:44:49 UTC  


2020-12-26 12:46:37 UTC  

I just learned that recently. Interesting stuff. Slowmode is on apparently. looks like youtube deleted that song had to find it on bitchute

2020-12-26 12:47:02 UTC

2020-12-26 12:49:10 UTC  

This should probably be posted in pedogate news channel, cause there isn't one for it....

2020-12-26 12:51:28 UTC  

i think it's why they added conspiracy theories, probably where it should go even though we know it's not a conspiracy theory it still is for a lot of people

2020-12-26 12:55:53 UTC
Most Americans could read, and the pamphlet immediately raised the morale of both the military and civilians. The looming prospect of disaster seemed to spur Americans into action, and some even believed that such a crisis was necessary to give people the proper motivation to fight. “Our republic cannot exist long in prosperity,” Doctor Benjamin Rush later wrote in a letter to John Adams. “We require adversity and appear to possess most of the republican spirit when most depressed.” The crisis had a direct positive effect that steeled resolve. That December 244 years ago marked a period where Americans from all stripes came together to alter the course of history in a great counter offensive on Christmas night.

2020-12-26 13:02:18 UTC  

In December 1776, Washington turned to the only group of men he knew had the strength and skill to deliver the army to Trenton. The Marblehead men miraculously transported Washington and the bulk of his army across the Delaware in the heart of the raging storm. He ordered two additional groups of American troops to cross the river below Trenton to cut off the enemy’s retreat. These groups not guided by the Marbleheaders found the icy river impassable. But the courage and nautical talent of the Indispensables allowed the army and the mariners to play a vital role in the land battle that changed the course of the Revolutionary War.

2020-12-26 13:17:44 UTC

2020-12-26 16:00:40 UTC  

not sure why that's under election news?