Message from @shawn nonya

Discord ID: 796175681108049930

2021-01-05 21:07:24 UTC  

I used Waze and it worked

2021-01-05 21:36:53 UTC  

You guys need to learn how to formulate a web query. Try 'Washington dc street map' and its FULL of responses.

2021-01-05 22:38:12 UTC  

The theft is nearly complete.

2021-01-05 22:48:26 UTC  

Quit dooming.

2021-01-05 22:48:53 UTC  

@JudgeAzule Dems are the ones dooming us, @Noledad77 is just calling it like it is.

2021-01-05 22:49:07 UTC  

I see.

2021-01-05 22:54:05 UTC  

I live in FL, less than an hour from the GA border, our local news,stations cover south GA. I have seen what the dems did (and what Kemp and his SoS did to allow it) and I just know that it's going to happen again, but the margin will be such that a recount won't be "justified". I'm not a doom & gloom kinda person, I just know the reality of the situation. I would *love* to be wrong, even if for one of them, but I don't think I will be.
Best case scenario, Osoff wins and Warnock loses. Warnock is a radical communist mf'er and we lose big if he's elected.

2021-01-05 22:55:13 UTC  

Better case would be both of those asshats losing (again, I'd be extatic) but history tends to repeat itself with the dems

2021-01-05 22:57:10 UTC  

@Noledad77 I'm in Georgia and have to agree. Ossoff lost the most expensive Congressional race in history for the Dems. I don't think they would run his unlikable a$$ if they did not have a lock on winning. Kemp, Raffensperger, and Sterling sold Georgia's votes to the highest bidder and it turns out that was China.

2021-01-05 22:59:07 UTC  

So what is the likelihood that Tomorrow's (or whenever if it's postponed) Electoral College vote goes in Trump's favor?

2021-01-05 23:01:13 UTC  

Bingo. It sucks. Big time. But it's what the dems do. Dump Soros/Pelosi/Schumer/Bloomberg money into southern state elections (Bloomberg paid for billboards in my county) and hope to sway dumbass, uninformed voters.
And not to steal the mods' thunder but I think we oughtta continue this in the discussion channel. We're mildly off-topic

2021-01-05 23:06:13 UTC  

@Noledad77 I think that is only a small part of it... The DNC, with the help of the CCP, is now taking out the middlemen (AKA the voters) altogether. They clearly cheat, pay off the Republicans to look the other way, thus eliminating the inconvenience and uncertainty of legitimate elections.

2021-01-05 23:57:44 UTC  

Imagine my shock

2021-01-06 00:15:19 UTC  

How are we still using Dominion machines???

2021-01-06 00:25:21 UTC  

Your telling me. I went in to vote for Loeffler, Perdue, & Bubba and I saw them things sitting there. I chuckled when I left.

2021-01-06 00:32:20 UTC  

You expect those CCP puppets to throw away their aids machines?

2021-01-06 00:37:18 UTC  

So nothing republicans are causing this along with the dummycrats

2021-01-06 00:37:54 UTC  


2021-01-06 00:39:35 UTC  

Got a solution?

2021-01-06 00:42:22 UTC  

Use their own rules against them. Flood the ballots during the next voting cycle. Call them every name in the book like they do us. I’m tired of playing fair and complaining when they change the rules. It’s time we fight them on their level, and when they complain just tell them to change the rules back to the original constitutional rules. Then and only then will we play fair

2021-01-06 00:47:43 UTC  

i got another idea. the 2nd amendment route

2021-01-06 00:47:58 UTC  

That works too. I have plenty of guns

2021-01-06 00:51:57 UTC  

I think we have more guns than REAL Biden voters

2021-01-06 00:57:13 UTC  

Yes we do

2021-01-06 01:13:38 UTC  

i guess ppl in ga will have to fill out paper ballots because the dominion machines aren't working

2021-01-06 01:16:00 UTC  

Some places are doing that

2021-01-06 01:16:13 UTC  

so a somewhat "fair" election

2021-01-06 01:18:49 UTC  

Guys <#760648730431979560> CMON

2021-01-06 01:25:40 UTC  


2021-01-06 01:43:45 UTC  

This is true Pence does not have the power to overturn the election and I would love it if he did cause I bloody campaigned for Trump all summer long.

2021-01-06 01:48:23 UTC  
2021-01-06 01:51:50 UTC  


New allegations of CIA involvement in switching votes. Alleges that it was ran through Italian prime ministers administration.

2021-01-06 02:04:29 UTC  

Everything's reportedly until reports report either that the report was actually reported or that the report wasn't reported and that the report about the report was false

2021-01-06 02:05:00 UTC  

Reportedly speaking

2021-01-06 02:05:05 UTC