Message from @SPRTNWRRYR1974

Discord ID: 796712371392479243

2021-01-07 10:10:09 UTC  

I personal now refer to all leftists as Commies. They can sort out themselves if that's not the case and kick the commies out of their alleged liberal/democrat party. If not then they are complicit and thus commies themselves.

2021-01-07 10:10:34 UTC  

I believe it has been a slow burn slowly perverting every media institution and brainwashing people into hating everything normal and good. Look at Germany in the late 20’s. That country has fallen totally into their hands.

2021-01-07 10:10:54 UTC  


2021-01-07 10:10:59 UTC  

Lol worked for Germany. They lost WW2 only to seize power of Europe anyways 🤣

2021-01-07 10:11:31 UTC  

They tried in the 40’s and 50’s. America was too patriotic then to crumble from within

2021-01-07 10:13:47 UTC  

<#760648730431979560> , but i was wondering that myself

2021-01-07 10:13:56 UTC

2021-01-07 10:15:24 UTC  

Yeah, I didn't realize this was <#730962163098976346>, thought it was <#760648730431979560>. Switched to there. Actually I really should be going to sleep...

2021-01-07 10:15:59 UTC

2021-01-07 11:29:52 UTC  

- *Macron* has declared "We believe in democracy. Violent individuals introduced themselves into the seculary temple of US democracy and a woman was killed. When, in one of the oldest democracy of the world, partisans of an exiting president are questionning with arms the legitimate results of an election, this universal idea of 'One man one voice' is getting beaten up." (What a cunt)

- *Merkel*: "A ground rule of democracy is that after elections there are winners and losers. I regret very much that President Trump not acknowledged his defeat since November and also again not yesterday. Doubts about the election outcome were stirred and created the atmosphere that made the events of last night possible."

- *Boris Johnson*: "Disgraceful scenes in U.S. Congress. The United States stands for democracy around the world and it is now vital that there should be a peaceful and orderly transfer of power."

(=all standing against transparent urns, witnesses during ballot counting, investigation on dumpsters of Trump ballots found on the side of roads, voter ID and death certificate check)

2021-01-07 11:34:02 UTC  

Why do we care what they think? They don’t control us.

2021-01-07 11:37:00 UTC  

Their masters do, at least in the sense they have the same ones as our politicians

2021-01-07 12:06:35 UTC

2021-01-07 12:07:12 UTC  

Leave it to cnn to put yesterday in the same category as 9/11, Pearl Harbor, and similar events

2021-01-07 12:07:25 UTC  

Bet the Democrats loved seeing their old flag in the Capitol.

2021-01-07 12:07:42 UTC  

it's dark because we fight back

2021-01-07 12:08:14 UTC  

When the government fears its people, there’s liberty
When the people fear their government, there’s tyranny

2021-01-07 12:08:49 UTC  

The media is a branch of the Democratic Party, which is basically the government at this point once biden takes over

2021-01-07 12:09:01 UTC  

dems don't like being reminded of their failures

2021-01-07 12:10:28 UTC  

SCOTUS - gone, it will be packed
Congress - despite us getting seats in the house, we no longer have the majority because some how the dems managed to “win” TWO seats against INCUMBANTS in a RED state
And the presidency - do I even need to explain?

2021-01-07 12:10:31 UTC  

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness”

2021-01-07 12:11:40 UTC  

Imma repeat myself cuz It pisses me off
TWO seats against INCUMBANTS in a RED state!!!!!!

2021-01-07 12:12:10 UTC  

Two seats that give one party control of the entire government

2021-01-07 12:12:46 UTC  

Sorry I’m not buying that “fair election” bs

2021-01-07 12:13:21 UTC  

Should have destroyed all the dominon machines

2021-01-07 12:13:28 UTC  

no one is

2021-01-07 12:14:26 UTC  

The dems are and spineless “republicans” are

2021-01-07 12:22:37 UTC  

This is stuff that leads to civil war, and the over-representation of one party is one of the things that lead to the 1st american civil war

2021-01-07 12:26:10 UTC  

thats why we need to act.

2021-01-07 12:38:36 UTC  

What happened yesterday was nothing compared to the countless blm riots

2021-01-07 12:39:31 UTC  

to the deep state it was the worst thing ever

2021-01-07 12:40:22 UTC  

The deep state can go to hell

2021-01-07 12:40:57 UTC  

we know now it can bleed. and if can bleed it can die

2021-01-07 13:01:04 UTC  

Didn't trump concede? His words were something like he's going to proceed with transfer of power

2021-01-07 13:03:06 UTC  

Yes, I have this question too. Did he mean a transfer of power to the same administration, or did he mean he respects the process, even if the outcome is stupid ?

2021-01-07 13:05:54 UTC  

.... continue the fight... as we transition into another 4 years...?

2021-01-07 13:06:07 UTC  

_first_ term ?