Message from @Error -404

Discord ID: 775739458854584371

2020-11-08 20:54:10 UTC  

How about just add that your first I’d is free, that way it doesn’t become a “voter tax” and you got yourself a plan!

2020-11-08 21:52:54 UTC  


2020-11-08 21:54:20 UTC  

> In order to vote in Oklahoma, you must be registered in your voting district 30+ days in advance of the vote. When you walk into the Polling Station you must produce a valid, certifiable ID. Anyone can get one by going to a local Tag Agency and provide proof of who you are, cost is like $5. The Poll attendants go through their list of registered voters, find your name, mark it off, and hand you the appropriate ballot(s). The voter takes a pen from the box and walks over to a secluded station, fills out their ballot, voting in privacy, then walks the ballot over to a counting machine and feeds their ballot into the machine themself. THIS is the way it should be done throughout the country!
@Tsarena where is the source for this? I need to find it to send it around...

2020-11-08 22:51:31 UTC  

@Eagle source? I live in Oklahoma and have for over 50 years. I have participated in numerous elections, and this is the way it is done. I guess you could say that I am the source of that information, but that is the way Oklahoma has always done it, with the exception of the vote counting machines, which have come into use in more recent years.

2020-11-08 23:54:12 UTC  

@Tsarena that’s awesome man. Imagine if All of the swing states did that😂

2020-11-09 00:22:32 UTC  

@Eagle, amazingly, Oklahoma is a traditional, constant, Red state too. *smirk* I wonder if there is a coincidence there?

2020-11-09 10:41:26 UTC  

Yes, that is awesome to see that Oklahoma is one of two states where all the counties were red.

2020-11-09 12:11:53 UTC  

> In order to vote in Oklahoma, you must be registered in your voting district 30+ days in advance of the vote. When you walk into the Polling Station you must produce a valid, certifiable ID. Anyone can get one by going to a local Tag Agency and provide proof of who you are, cost is like $5. The Poll attendants go through their list of registered voters, find your name, mark it off, and hand you the appropriate ballot(s). The voter takes a pen from the box and walks over to a secluded station, fills out their ballot, voting in privacy, then walks the ballot over to a counting machine and feeds their ballot into the machine themself. THIS is the way it should be done throughout the country!
@Tsarena it should too

2020-11-10 03:19:32 UTC  

Ew I used to have to make those nasty McFibs when I worked there in high school. I’d have to open the lid for the barbecue sauce from a distance after heating it up or I’d burn my nose from the heat

2020-11-10 03:20:20 UTC  

And yes, I know I said mcfibs lol

2020-11-10 04:17:10 UTC  

I live in Missouri. Not sure of all the rules and I am told we the bad Hammer here, but what I know is we can show either our voter ID (which is free) or photo ID. They used to look on a physical list. Wish they still did, but now they find us on a data base using our ID. Then, they hand us a paper ballot which two people (presumably different parties) both initial in front of us. Then we go to a private area in the room where we fill it out with an ink pen. It used to be one of those where you connect the arrow. Now, it’s a bubble. Then we manually feed it into the machine ourselves and it counts how many ballots have been fed into it, the number going up by one each time (for some reason I tend to watch that number, mostly because I am curious how many people voted in our district. I’ve seen an election where we were there at the end of the day and it was under 400 people. We were there midday this time and it was over 900. Huge difference, but the other wasn’t voting on people, only issues. For some reason people don’t care about issues as much. Weird that.)
Best thing in this election so far was Missouri passing Amendment 3. The issues are important, too. 😄

2020-11-10 04:18:13 UTC  

What is Amendment 3 for those of us not from Missouri?

2020-11-10 07:41:18 UTC  

So in 2018 they passed an amendment that made it so one person, chosen from a selection chosen by one person was going to draw up lines for the redistricting that happens every ten years. Supposedly this person would be nonpartisan, which is highly unlikely at its surface, but the person who would choose this “nonpartisan” person (well, technically would chose several people for a group to pick from) would be an elected official who would themselves definitely be partisan (position currently held by a democrat, but even if it wasn’t this doesn’t seem smart).

2020-11-10 07:43:21 UTC  

Amendment 3 altered that to make it a bi-partisan group (which it was previously). It’s not a reversal, although that part is reversed, because that was only one part of it, but the part that I thought was most scary about the original bill and most relieving about the new one that passed.

2020-11-10 07:45:07 UTC  

It just gave way too much power to one individual and I think it makes more sense to involve a group on both sides of the political isle rather than one individual who probably is only for one side.

2020-11-10 12:38:00 UTC  

If you haven’t heard yet, Pennsylvania has been taken away from Biden, and has been rightfully given back to Trump!

2020-11-10 13:04:30 UTC  

Ladies and gentlemen, we got em.

2020-11-10 14:52:39 UTC  

@Error -404 source? I couldnt find it

2020-11-10 15:11:39 UTC  

I was Misinformed I’ll give you the correction in a sec

2020-11-10 15:12:44 UTC they took it away from Biden, they haven’t yet given it to anyone. Sorry for the misinformation

2020-11-10 15:30:24 UTC  

oh im not a mod or anything, i just wanted a link so i can rub it in some peoples faces haha!

2020-11-10 15:36:19 UTC  

We're closer to victory everyday boys.

2020-11-10 17:12:35 UTC

2020-11-10 17:12:44 UTC  


2020-11-10 17:12:46 UTC  


2020-11-10 17:24:53 UTC  

> oh im not a mod or anything, i just wanted a link so i can rub it in some peoples faces haha!
@W4RP1G regardless I goofed and forgot to fix it, could have labeled me fake news

2020-11-10 17:39:05 UTC  

ah understand now

2020-11-10 20:11:44 UTC  

So Biden has un-won now?

2020-11-10 20:12:27 UTC  

*not that he had technically won in the first place*

2020-11-10 21:10:38 UTC  

@CoolGuard yeah, pretty much

2020-11-10 21:10:56 UTC  

its going to be an interesting show to watch the media backpedal if it comes to that...

2020-11-10 21:11:02 UTC  

lots of 'glitches'

2020-11-10 21:11:29 UTC  

Time to get the popcorn?

2020-11-10 21:11:44 UTC  


2020-11-10 21:11:54 UTC  


2020-11-10 21:11:57 UTC  

yes bold of me to assume 'sir'

2020-11-10 21:12:15 UTC  

i mean it with the utmost endearment

2020-11-10 21:12:21 UTC  

Idk of any girl named Seth so

2020-11-10 21:12:31 UTC neither