Message from @tracyblack
Discord ID: 738609059040854096
Well school education needs to be improved and parents need to do a better job. A lot of these “protestors” are surprised they get arrested when they attack officers and bomb buildings
They are entitled and don’t understand consequences and the real world
ive been sitting on a video all day that id like to post but its a bit spicy for this neck of internet
i don't like the music and its actually filled with facts but just posting could get me labeled / the server deamed raciest
ask the admin
or a mod
reality is going to give them a big smack in the face sadly
ill ask cant hurt
Freedom of speech 🙂 remember. We got it
@[TDE] Smokie may i DM you when you get a sec?
2 min 1 question ill accept the answer no fuss
we can see what happens
its a sorta meme video but i was thinking well i like you guys i dont want to push my luck and im a raciest
Dm me
i had a video a meme video was not sure if it was 2 spicy for here
ill link video in DM
This kind of thing really bothers me
Lunatic censorship
Breitbart is still MIA on Twitter
The blurred article he reads and talks about in the beginning.
Wait, Maxwell gave out the names and stuff without being suicided first?
Watch "Dr. Stella Immanuel: We Don't Need to Die. There Are Treatments for COVID." on YouTube
Remember this video? ^
It got removed from youtube
No surprise there
With all the surveillance the NSA has, there is no way the US government didn't already know. This only proves the FBI also did.