Message from @Dr Badass PhD

Discord ID: 747125252949147719

2020-08-22 22:26:25 UTC  

so Governor Nuisances in California is ok with freeing criminals, but uses its power to abuse innocent people living their lives:

2020-08-22 22:29:04 UTC  

learn civics ....setup a recall petition, get a constitutional lawyer, collect evidence for the lawyer on ur state's behalf, get the elected officials recalled(reverse voting in case ur wondering), and force a new vote to get somebody better in that can hopefully do the job properly

2020-08-22 22:38:06 UTC  
2020-08-22 23:52:46 UTC  

@Deleted User hey I see you push people to learn
> learn civics ....setup a recall petition, get a constitutional lawyer, collect evidence for the lawyer on ur state's behalf, get the elected officials recalled(reverse voting in case ur wondering), and force a new vote to get somebody better in that can hopefully do the job properly
How about we all begin to unite and push for ratification on the U.S. constitution? We can request first an amendment that protects all modalities of voting options to remain open in all cities and states and counties for the people to have access to regardless of being in a state of emergency. This protects the freedom of speech and individuality of each citizen. With so much polarity, this has to be done everywhere because the attempts to fraud the election. There's too much opposition on public opinion and political agenda that this can actually make it into the consitution.

2020-08-22 23:54:00 UTC  

My second idea on an amendment would be to create an amendment that protects the innocent from being made criminals and not surbverting the criminals as innocent.

2020-08-22 23:54:18 UTC  

The second one seems tougher, but the 1st recommendation is definitely necessary and doable.

2020-08-23 02:11:30 UTC  

Shadow Gate was really good

2020-08-23 06:55:44 UTC  

trump pro absentee, they reject it

2020-08-23 06:56:02 UTC  

trump against mail-in, they promote it

2020-08-23 16:07:15 UTC  

> Greta as in the "how dare you?"
@Dr Badass PhD It was an impersonator, as far as I can tell to catch Kamala out like that

2020-08-23 16:09:01 UTC  


2020-08-23 19:06:05 UTC  

Oh they should turn gyms into voting polls.

2020-08-23 19:21:59 UTC

2020-08-23 20:10:31 UTC  

That's something I've never quite understood with the SEALS, its how un-secret they are. The SAS would never reveal who did what, it would just stay 'Soldier A' or 'Soldier B'

2020-08-23 20:14:00 UTC  

Americans like to bragπŸ˜†

2020-08-23 20:14:42 UTC  

That's very true

2020-08-23 20:16:06 UTC  

Until the Iranian Embassy Raid, which was broadcast live on TV, barely anyone had even heard of the SAS πŸ˜‚ And they are still just as elusive πŸ˜‚

2020-08-23 20:17:47 UTC  

How anyone can label them as anything other than a domestic terror organisation I have no idea

2020-08-23 20:39:59 UTC  

John Stossel is the best John!

2020-08-23 20:40:31 UTC  

If I made a John tiers list, Stossel would be S and Lennon would be F.

2020-08-23 23:37:04 UTC  

just in case your religious friends are lacking in discernment on the difference between Republican and Democrat this year, let them know that Donald Trump stands by religious liberty to worship. One Presidential Candidate stands by endless shutdowns and no religious freedom at all. If they have any honor or loyalty to their brothers they will vote Trump. If they don't they are less than reprobates.

2020-08-23 23:48:21 UTC  

The SPLC is a hate group.

2020-08-23 23:56:05 UTC  

Lemme guess. They're left wing aren't they?