Message from @LPA FreeNeko (Hermit's Youth)🇺🇸

Discord ID: 601213774581465108

At least discord has people that are somewhat easy to talk to.

2019-07-18 00:44:15 UTC  

Damn, that korean chick is cute

Hey, y'all wanna hear some weird stuff that's happened?

2019-07-18 00:44:59 UTC  

Go on

2019-07-18 00:45:38 UTC  

Hear, hear!~

2019-07-18 00:45:49 UTC  

Neko has a story!

2019-07-18 00:45:53 UTC  

Woo story time

2019-07-18 00:45:57 UTC  


So apparently, the Native American teams from my old school district, who is a relative of mine, was called by my Grandma. My Grandma called her asking for homeschooling details, and she says "Oh no, you can't do that until he's 17".

2019-07-18 00:46:28 UTC  


2019-07-18 00:46:49 UTC  


2019-07-18 00:46:59 UTC  

I call BS

I don't think I need to explain why this a pile of---- crap

2019-07-18 00:47:15 UTC  

I was homeschooled at 16

From what I've gathered, apparently she's continuing her campaign to keep me in the Public Indoctrination Systems.

And in that district specifically

Where you know, they searched me for weaponry on baseless accusations

2019-07-18 00:48:30 UTC  

But your grandmother wants you to be homeschooled right?


2019-07-18 00:48:39 UTC  

I got u

That actually pushed her further in that direction, at least after I explained this history.

2019-07-18 00:49:10 UTC  

Hol up let me see if i can get you some company names that we used

We're starting paperwork tomorrow, and she has a new computer for me to use for it.

2019-07-18 00:49:23 UTC  


2019-07-18 00:49:31 UTC  

Going through k-12?

2019-07-18 00:49:32 UTC  

Good luck man

We're looking at options.

2019-07-18 00:49:49 UTC  

Yeah, if you're in the US there are plenty of companies for homeschooling.

I haven't gotten details, but I know now it ain't gonna be that packrat shit.

2019-07-18 00:50:20 UTC  

K-12 is good because it is the most popular meaning if you want you could go to college easily

2019-07-18 00:50:34 UTC  

These libtard fuckers that want to prevent child abuse and 'indoctrination' have more of it going on in **their** schools than in home schools.

I'll look into it. Also keep in mind that my obvious suspicion is the old $$$$

2019-07-18 00:51:14 UTC  

That money loss for them is scary

Apparently I scored high on the State tests, which means $$$$$$

2019-07-18 00:51:31 UTC  

Uhh i ended up going through a "private Christian school" despite never actually going to the campus and doing all the work at home for a much cheaper price

2019-07-18 00:51:36 UTC  

Scholarships are great

All I know is I'm glad I'm living somewhere sane for once.

2019-07-18 00:52:10 UTC  

I qualified for near a full ride at my University but I decided to be self employed

Also I'm listening to Country Roads to celebrate for some reason.

2019-07-18 00:52:50 UTC  

If I'd have been black I could've gotten the full ride with their other program

2019-07-18 00:52:54 UTC  

The only down to it was i had a "religion" class but it was not hard, and the history of the diffrent religions was intresting