Message from @Spectre

Discord ID: 736036205434765352

2020-07-22 23:31:34 UTC  

and guess what i searched?

2020-07-22 23:31:36 UTC  

**rioters point weapons at mccloskey**

2020-07-22 23:32:03 UTC  

same thing witth **protestors point weapons at mccloskey**

2020-07-22 23:33:19 UTC  

its one of those things that i think you'll have to dig to find but i don't really want to do that at the moment have other things to do

2020-07-22 23:34:30 UTC  

could've been an edited photo also, there's a lot of those roaming around

2020-07-22 23:37:41 UTC  

Who ever the hell said this is a idiot

2020-07-22 23:38:10 UTC  

Not going to say why because I would get banned but she (I am assuming the speak) Pisses me off so much

2020-07-22 23:49:23 UTC  

@Billy. why would you get banned? also thats the co founder of BLM

2020-07-22 23:49:31 UTC  

Well umm

2020-07-22 23:49:37 UTC  

certain no no words

2020-07-22 23:49:41 UTC  

Dm me if you need

2020-07-22 23:49:44 UTC  

oh okay

2020-07-22 23:50:06 UTC  

but yes, racist as heck

2020-07-22 23:50:07 UTC  

Like N E R F or N O T H I N G

2020-07-22 23:50:21 UTC  

ah okay

2020-07-23 21:24:58 UTC  

The statement is so stupid in the first place, like "I could totally dead lift 5000 pounds if I had the power to"

2020-07-24 00:29:18 UTC  

Yo! Has anyone received one of those Feedback questions on YouTube asking you; What is wrong with the suggested videos on this page? I can not be certain, as to why I received it, but I can guess that it's because I'm subscribed to lots of Conservative/ Anti-left-wing channels, and YouTube must not like it.

2020-07-24 00:29:49 UTC  

(It's the first time I've seen it)

2020-07-24 00:57:06 UTC  

I haven't gotten any of those yet but they do keep trying to shove their TV service down my throat

2020-07-24 01:45:06 UTC  

Havenโ€™t noticed, but I have been unsubscribed from Conservative channels I watch every day

2020-07-24 01:45:31 UTC  

Yet I have never been unsubscribed from channels I havenโ€™t watched in years

2020-07-24 02:06:38 UTC  

thoughts ?

2020-07-24 02:10:55 UTC  

hmmm idk much about the Q-Anon

2020-07-24 02:11:13 UTC  

except its a theory that Trump is working to clean out the pedophiles right?

2020-07-24 02:11:25 UTC  

and what is 8kun

2020-07-24 02:11:32 UTC  

and PsyOp

2020-07-24 02:53:03 UTC  

Psychological operation. George Floyd's death is believed to be a PsyOp in some circles, with the intent of doing exactly what has happened.
"Paid actors", like the cop himself, or the boss of that cop just play their part.

2020-07-24 02:53:33 UTC  

I dont necessarily buy into it, but there are a few red flags that are hard if not impossible to dismiss.

Forgive me if this is the wrong place to post this, but I would just want give out a PSA that Blackberries (those that run Blackberry OS, and not full out Android) cannot be used for contact tracing merely because they do not natively have Google's play services nor Bluetooth 4 LE. Due to the recent moves by our Supreme Leader Cuomo and Buffalo Wild Wings waitress asking me for my name for contact tracing, I picked up a Blackberry Q20 that should be here on Monday. They are still useful, especially the Q20 that is from 2015 and is very well optimized. They usually go for ~$50 on eBay.

2020-07-24 14:47:50 UTC  

Spoiled brats...

2020-07-24 17:14:34 UTC

Not sure if this belonged in <#730975259678736426> or not.

2020-07-24 17:26:28 UTC  

Iโ€™d say... Itโ€™s good news.

2020-07-24 17:27:12 UTC  

No more new movies! YAY! Now we can just watch old ones, theyโ€™re better anyway.

2020-07-24 17:30:05 UTC  

new marvel movie for me

2020-07-24 17:30:28 UTC  

new matrix i'd be willing to wait

Yeah let them take their time. I would assume that the Matrix would be unaffected by the Chop Fluie since it is primarily animated.