Message from @gluten free bread
Discord ID: 777016285660971019
i wonder if joe bide is a child molester
Time stamp 4:55 seconds is where you should start watching in that video if you're only interested in how it involves Trump
If you've been browsing 4chan and, you'd have already seen the literal photographic evidence of Hunter Biden having sexual relations with Natalie Biden (14 years old at the time)
No evidence has surfaced about Joe Biden himself....but it is highly likely he knew and was helping to suppress this information
It would be illegal for me to show you those links & photos directly....and you should be careful how you view them if you want to prove it to yourself...but there are indirect links available if you search hard enough on TheDonald....the evidence is damning
Illegal because she is still underage in those photos
i dont use 4chan
i dont know muxh about WAnon
I'll try to find an indirect link for you
i noly know from wikipedia but the person that wrote it is liberal lol
...but if you want to be up on information that doesn't get reported...browse
...but be warned
there are a lot of LARPERs on the site
so you have to verify information for yourself
There is just as much fake information mixed in with the unreported have to learn how to use primary sources to verify the validity (or liklihood of) of the information
any one else think a war would happen if the hyde amendment was repealed?
hyde amendment?
so yuo would literally be paying for abortions in ur taxes if it is repealed
No idea.
@gluten free bread You know the original Epstein case in the 2000's, Donald Trump was the only person who knew Epstein that was willing to testify in the entire case
so im kinda dumb
so u mean trump went against epstein?
cause testify is opposite of defencing right?
yes, he testified against Epstein's and his activites
hence why he said Epstein's home was "a cesspool"
Trump went against Epstein and helped lawyers secure sources that would help to fight against Epstein in court
Via dominion offshore server manipulation (so the theory goes)
As long as the US gets to vote in other countries. #ImpeachXi
Seriously, though, what’s the point of national borders if you don’t even need to live in our country to vote for our President?
By the same logic, Californians should vote for the governor of Texas!
And rural Texans should vote for the mayor of Chicago!