Message from @HUNTER4639

Discord ID: 733776648582725734

2020-07-15 21:38:14 UTC  

It'll be awhile for sure lol, but I'll hopefully somehow get someone to release it to theaters when I'm done with it in a year hehe.

2020-07-15 21:38:43 UTC  

Or two. Really depends on how much time I get to spend on it without life and work getting in the way.

2020-07-15 22:00:17 UTC  

*When you're poor and you are writing a movie*

2020-07-15 23:50:41 UTC  

lol yeah

2020-07-16 03:40:33 UTC  

Could y'all possibly send me to the white power store where I can get my white power card? I could use some of that good privilege right now. I guess some of us just don't have it.......

2020-07-16 06:29:07 UTC  

Wrong channel for this convo

2020-07-17 10:00:25 UTC  

> The korean mre has arrived
@Deleted User
From what i heard its bery good compared to those from other countries

2020-07-17 18:36:03 UTC  

give me sum

yeah i wonder how it is ?

i have us MREs and danish. and some lithuanian. all pretty good. how ever the lithuanian.. its ok. but i cant read eny of i have no ideer whats what.

but it tasted ok. and also had heatpacks

the dnaish ones i have are frezze dryed

2020-07-17 20:03:37 UTC  

MREs are so expensive

well.. like a pizza i would say.

2020-07-17 20:04:48 UTC  

$25 US dollars for one in most places

i think i payed that for they danish ones. but they are 24 hour raitons

and well i bought several and got the price down so maybe 20 usd. each

2020-07-17 20:06:25 UTC  


and the US and the Lithuanain ones was like 10 usd. each. bough like 3 cases of em.

2020-07-17 20:07:49 UTC  


the lithuanain comes wiht a mini bendable esbit stove like thing. each.. wierd..

2020-07-17 20:08:39 UTC  

Oh yeah Russian ones do too

but just a thin plate of alu. you bend 2x up and 2x down..

btu i bought them years ago. so after all this. prices might have gone up.. when i bought them peaple htoguht i woudl use them for camping/fishing /canoo trips.

but sociaty is fragile. so better have some for a rainy day. or for a day i have no money..

2020-07-17 20:11:54 UTC  

That's true

i have a bob. with some. btu my bob. is kinda crap.. as its heavy. and i have bad bakc and legs.. so might not get far.. and no plan as to where to go. i know. stupid.. but i kinda plan more for bug in..

but looking at a site that sell used stuff and so on. i can get 12x US MREs for 115 usd.

but still its decent money.. in the hope he sends them..

still. its each the price of a pizza..

2020-07-17 21:22:03 UTC  

Yeah nice

2020-07-21 13:24:53 UTC

2020-07-21 13:24:58 UTC

2020-07-21 13:25:03 UTC

2020-07-21 13:25:14 UTC