Message from @CyberSpacePirate
Discord ID: 779175813211881473
If am going to buy a knife or anything else, I just look at the price, what im getting, and then I spend a fair bit of time looking for the cheapest price I can get.
dont look at anything else they say
who makes that one? spider?
yea endura 4
That's what I carry on a daily basis lol
Might be a bit overprepared <:KEK:726877368601411624>
Ahh i carry much more
Swiss army knife ftw
I'm thinking of getting some squirt tweezers for my leatherman wave+. Apparently I can stick them in a hole near the top of the saw, or file, idr. Then I would have all the necessary tools on my leatherman :)
ye, you gotta have a decent pair of tweezers. In TX, I wouldn't go into the scrubland (aka thorny hell-hole) without my swiss army knife for that very reason. <:KEK:726877368601411624>
I suppose in some places the thorns are so big you could easily grab it with the pliers <:KEK:726877368601411624>
most of them, yes. The prickly pears had ridiculously tiny thorns though. xD
lol two lighters? bro I love ur wallet! where did you get it?
@CyberSpacePirate is Zippo any good? I was looking at getting a metal lighter and that was the most rated
@HUNTER4639 zippos are my favorite lighter, good and guaranteed forever, anything that breaks you can often fix yourself. switching flints, refilling fuel, plus tough as nails. if you ever break one you can send it into zippo and they will fix it for you
I was wondering about them as a pocket lighter. I never wanted to give the idea that I smoked though haha
youd have to refill them about weekly because the fuel evaporates
i dont smoke eithor, i just like the ability to make fire
Also on the top there's some bobby pins which I use as lockpicks.
have you ever picked a lock tho
why no CCW?
Bobby pins arn't as obvious as dedicated tools
i mean, you got knives but you aint got a gun
underage or not american?
I'm 17
and since I've taken that picture I've added a flashlight stun gun to my collection
Darn I'm broke
I can't afford to refuel 😂
googled "benchmade griptillian" because I lost mine and I want to buy another. Got nothing but wish and walmart. :/
the fuel is really cheap, a few dollars per container that will prob last over a year