Message from @[TDE] Smokie
Discord ID: 729436493176897576
taco, right answer for questions 1 and 3
but in communism there is no religion...
actually soviet union never achieved communism...they were socialists
well whatever they were they were trash
but there was a religion in soviet union
and no the ppl that 'worshipped' it wasn't trash ...considering they were the 'ruling' class
but other religions were treated as either trash or to be killed if the ppl had no use to the soviets
so every other religion practiced in secret to avoid the soviet kill squads
shall we move to <#727615870385389638> ? cuz this is a pretty nice topic but server rules lmao
2 B-52s, 2 Tu-95s, a KC-10 and an An-124. (Photo taken in 1992)
The capitol building always looks cool at night. (Madison, WI)
<@!724672184114610176> DEFINITELY Post more photos of ....oh. Sorry, misread 'cities' as ..something else.
i once saw a navy ship on the St Lawrence river in upstate NY
i think if my memory serves it was a destroyer
it was fricken massive and super damn cool
sadly i don't have the picture anymore ;-;
On the way back from Florida visiting the ruins of a church from the 1700s
I've been there before
Imma get into the plaque making market with "Burned (Removed) by idiots in 2020."
I would invest in that
@KumquatLord Noice! What gear do you shoot with?
Just my phone!
And all those flowers are about pinky fingernail sized