Message from @Mentrex
Discord ID: 772377849465929759
Here’s a song for you… Never Satisfied by CORPSE
"not available in you country"
Idk. This is a good one
in case there are any nine lashes fans here
Has a bit of trump
In the end
nothing really matters?
linkin park
has alot of trump lol
No I was talking about the video I sent
It has some trump near the end
lol i was being a drunk ass
Its thrash metal so most people won't like it lmao
Not quite my metal genre
german industrial metal
its not for every one
Who doesn't love Johnny cash
Bowie is amazing F off
@KentreliseS (IIIII) no posting downloadable links like that
Hank wrote a song about Josef Stalin that could be applied to Joe Biden
@Chief Kirby facts. Sabaton is the best.
GOAT shit