Message from @Dstar_Destroyer
Discord ID: 759050238249009172
I saw Sherman vs T-34 Debate
Ima necro that conversation again and pull a kanye
"T-34, I'm gonna let you finish, but Sherman is the best"
Ultimately though the argument is silly because they're tanks that were built with objectively different purposes and goals in mind.
IE the Sherman was *definitively* the best Tank in WW2 *for the United States* because it was designed around tight tolerances in production, factoring in certain interchangeability with spare parts from the M3 Lee as well as making sure there would be a reliable supply of spare parts, ease of repair because these vehicles would be operating overseas, reliable performance, and overall versatility.
The Chieftain, Potential History, and Spookston have all made phenomenal cases in defense of the Sherman
And that's not saying the T-34 was a bad tank either. the Soviet Union had a completely different design doctrine and intention, making the T-34 with similar ideas in mind to the Garbage Rod - make so many of them that when one breaks down, the crew hops into a new one and keeps going.
And, previous point includes that the T-34 did have to contend with the Third Reich's best when it came to armor, so naturally they were upgunned and up armored to be able to push through the Tigers, Panthers, Tiger 2's, and Panzer 4's that were massed up on the Eastern front.
So on one hand you have a tank that was designed with the intent of being replaced as fast as it was destroyed, if not faster, while also being able to slug its way through as many obstacles as possible, and then you have a tank that needed to be mass produced for operation across *both* Major oceans, that saw fighting in every theatre of WW2... Two completely different tanks that really would only face off eachother when both were already obsolete, the Korean War.
me at 8 years old
Pretty much
i once got a giant refrigerator box and turned it into a fort
I’d rather have COVID 19....than Biden 2020
Yeah. When I was a kid with my brother we would get huge furniture boxes and the refrigerator boxes and put them in the front room get a knife and cut out little port holes with little flaps and defend the fort at all odds we made some great cardboard forts
*EDD mounted, let them come*
*like when a touch if color is out of place, when a shadow does not match with its surroundings, or when a shape is not where it is supposed to be. The only difference is the stakes.
**Mine are higher***
As a sniper we definitely looked for those out of place colors and shadows but you’re always looking for that telltale glint a slight reflection off some optics or a shiny metal surface
That’s the go to signal and always gets a send it from your spotter
Don't the scopes for rifles have a covering that prevents the glint but still allows you to see?
Some do, tho i think its a fairly new thing that really hasent been adopted by the full forces
How many have seen the clip of biden calling our troops stupid bastards?
5 today
I've seen it twice I think. That'll be another "that didn't age well."
“Clap you stupid bastards”
Everytime Biden opens his mouth even to military he looses voters.
I wonder if there were people there with signs to let the audience know when to clap.
Beeman that’s a good possibility
Anyways is WW3 here yet. I was promised by the media Trump would bring WW3!!