Message from @✨Ducati✨
Discord ID: 778143232957480990
I am going to be processing my own this year like I did last year. I got a new drill that has variable speed and corded for the mixer! Goes down to 100 rpm. That will beat the hell out of hand mixing ever again!
Got a big 3 horse grinder now so I am good there. Plus a 60 lbs stuffer!!!
Nice! I'd like to do that eventually. Right now I'm limited on space so I'm checking out a lot of places. Everyone has their own style of sausage spices and such, my fave so far does a really fine grind, but they have spice consistency issues
Nice gator skull! Been a long time since I went gator hunting. Used to help my cousin with his pond in Kissimmee. Think the biggest he pulled out of it was a 12 but it's been awhile since I've had any contact with them
Just watched an eagle snatch a grouse mid air. Was pretty damn cool.
Picture of the eagle eyeing the grouse up
Nice. I love watching birds of prey while I'm hunting
We have several hawks and owls, one owl is massive, at least a 6ft wingspan
Couldn't believe it when I saw it, I was in a 2 man quadpod when it flew right down over me, it was gliding til it got to me then it flapped right above me, shook the pod
I was swimming in the river one day and an eagle got a fish out of the water
Wish I could’ve videoed it
Used to see them all the time on the Chattahoochee River, bald eagles had a nest right on the river on a dead tree
Pretty awesome watching them fish
It was on the tenn river
Swooped down and snagged it
Did ya hear them scream? Freaked me out first time I heard it. Didn't know wtf was flying up on me lol
It did a couple hours before that
My big doe, she was 127lb on the hoof but as u can see I had to sacrifice both shoulders. One I shot and the other was infected from someone else hitting with an arrow a week before 🤦♂️
Yeah some little "hunting club" from Atlanta leased some land down the street. They injure more than they kill. Some folks just don't belong in the woods.
I mostly go calling now days.
Nice hogs! That one by your nephew is huge! I bet wherever ya got that from is happy he's gone, they destroy fields
Bros business partner thought he had a bunch of hogs on his place, turned out he has a few but the only one really giving him problems was a 300lb boar
It was digging pits big enough to sink a dually
@Butterfly did ya mount the bobcat? They look awesome on driftwood. Big yote there! I've had a few coydogs that big but most plain yote I have are small - 30lb tops
This one wasn't that big but the poor fella was just begging to die. Old battle worn buck, estimated about 8 years old or so. Missing an eye and his neck was Swiss cheese from all the fights he's been in. Could barely walk when he came out by my bro
Rest in peace, buckaroo.
When we went to pick him up, every single one of my fingers and both thumbs found a hole in his neck. I really don't see how he survived all those neck injuries 💀
I have a thicc pig that keeps eating all my corn
@meatball if it doesn't have horns shoot the head. They will drop dead :)
@Knotty I've done that a few times, but I've seen folks mess up and the results can be heartbreaking
One of my clients shot for the head, just took her mouth off, she ended up starving over the course of a few weeks
Damn that sucks. I don't mind killing a animal but I just don't like making them suffer.
Yeh, made me quit going for headshots