Message from @Knotty
Discord ID: 778264885824978945
Nice hogs! That one by your nephew is huge! I bet wherever ya got that from is happy he's gone, they destroy fields
Bros business partner thought he had a bunch of hogs on his place, turned out he has a few but the only one really giving him problems was a 300lb boar
It was digging pits big enough to sink a dually
@Butterfly did ya mount the bobcat? They look awesome on driftwood. Big yote there! I've had a few coydogs that big but most plain yote I have are small - 30lb tops
This one wasn't that big but the poor fella was just begging to die. Old battle worn buck, estimated about 8 years old or so. Missing an eye and his neck was Swiss cheese from all the fights he's been in. Could barely walk when he came out by my bro
Rest in peace, buckaroo.
When we went to pick him up, every single one of my fingers and both thumbs found a hole in his neck. I really don't see how he survived all those neck injuries 💀
I have a thicc pig that keeps eating all my corn
@meatball if it doesn't have horns shoot the head. They will drop dead :)
@Knotty I've done that a few times, but I've seen folks mess up and the results can be heartbreaking
One of my clients shot for the head, just took her mouth off, she ended up starving over the course of a few weeks
Damn that sucks. I don't mind killing a animal but I just don't like making them suffer.
Yeh, made me quit going for headshots
I've carved a few skulls in my time. Laid some ears down
But after that I get nervous about it, figure I can kill another if I mess up some meat
In georgia we get 2 antlered and 10 antlerless tags, more than enough to stock my freezers
Yea I can see that. I will say I won't do a headshot on a windy day or after 800 yards. Anything under 800 on a non windy day is gonna get blasted.
I have killed elk and whit tails heads hot at 800. My record is 950 yards.
That was with my 300 mag, and a self reload. Those bullets are still rising at 300 yards, and don't start to drop until 500.
I don't shoot those super hots much, but I always have 2 or 3 with me incase I need 1
I could never hunt, honestly. Animals are just too innocent and regal to me
I don't have anywhere to shoot that far lol. 350 or so tops on my place. I just don't take those head shots anymore at all. Never know what can happen. Might have bumped the scope on the way out and not noticed, or it could just have a factory defect. All it takes is one wrong variable to throw ya off slightly
@Swizzle innocent, regal, and delicious on rye bread with some mayonnaise. Mmmmm mmmm!!!
My nephew with his first 10+lb fish, 12.3lb blue cat. Bout pulled him out the boat lol
😂 nice!
Just wanted to introduce yall to what we named Airwolf
Wth 😆
looks like he's dabbing
Wow thats crazy. We actually have one that wandered in for rut that looks similar to it
Not quite the low hanging hook that yalls has, but similar style rack lol
nice meatball. idk y, but I love non-typicals.
Same! I like typicals for sure, that perfect symmetry appeals to my perfectionism, but atypicals are always cooler imo
I wanna get one with a club, nice tall 4 or 5 on one side and a knot on the other
I would love anything with a drop tine. 🥰