Message from @MalekTaus
Discord ID: 778430203390591036
Thing is super trashy
Got something in the corn😂
Freak nasty is so sexy
Wow that’s a crazy buck!
Holy shit I got a big mother fucker at 800 yards right now. If he can get within 600 I am gonna shoot. Fucker has a nontypical rack.
@sixfivebyfiftyfive that is a nutty rack on that one.
I have seen more damn deer this year than in the last 4. I am glad i bought this land here.
Bought a full 640 or square mile from 7 different people in January of this year. I put up 10 stands and had my cousin seed it for deer and just leave the crop in the ground.
Yesterday was the only day I didn't see 5 or more before 10 am and another 7 or 8 before sunset.
nice m8.
Big fucker is at 677 right now. Trying to call him a bit closer
@sixfivebyfiftyfive Nice one
agreed. I only wish I could see something like that in the wild, let alone shoot one.
Man, I have a couple of 6 points and a 12 point buck my backyard that are just waiting for me.
nice halibut!
im too much of a pussy to hurt animals- besides, I'm definitely not cut out for it. the first fish i ever caught as a child died and my tiny child eyes had to watch it float away. then i accidentally hooked a fish through eye and brain and was traumatised + horrified at myself
I’m fine with shooting the animal, but I haven’t yet gotten to field dressing one yet
relatable swizzle. ill kill an animal, but I cant endure watching one suffer.
I remember one of the most beautiful sunfish I ever caught bled to death because it caught a hook in a major artery. I couldn't save it because the hook was barbed and did too much damage. I now only fish barbless for that very reason. :/
Poor thing!
If your going to shoot a animal, then you have to gut it. That’s part of hunting. If you can’t do that then you shouldn’t be hunting.
I had to gut,dress and cut up a deer that my mom shot with my gun 💀 first deer I ever dressed and it was probly 10 degrees outside
Took me like 4 hours
Exactly @Milkgamer55
yessir Milk. That's not what I was saying. I have no issue with blood and guts (I work at chickfila, I literally get paid to cook dead birds) I just hate to make animals suffer.
That’s where placing your shot correctly comes into play.
Dammit all. Bumped my scope going in tonight, missed a monster yote
Just glad i didn't run off a nice buck