Message from @ThiccSpicyGenderRevealParty

Discord ID: 795459674349502554

2021-01-03 03:00:05 UTC  

It's a FUCKING SEXY Sword!⚔️

2021-01-03 04:26:18 UTC  

the sexiest, though, is a good spanish rapier

2021-01-03 04:28:34 UTC  

I like King and Generals cause he tries to dive into the tactics of a battle as well.

2021-01-03 05:40:54 UTC  

Zweihanders are cool and all but have huge weaknesses.

Number 1: You need alot of strength to wield them
Number 2: Because of their heavy weight it takes alot to master them, and use them with skill.

You'd be better off with a regular Greatsword, or a regular sword.

Personally I prefer a Rapier, or a Saber. Heck even a regular Roman Gladiator Longsword would do. Then you get a nice round metal shield for protection or you can dual-wield.

2021-01-03 05:41:46 UTC  

Rapier and Sabers are great with aggressive attacks, if you can find openings or opportunity, a good way to take a foe down without killing them, is to hit them in vital areas, such as their gut, and face.

2021-01-03 05:42:10 UTC  

Sweeping their legs as well is a good way to get them down, but it always depends on the person. If you can bring a person down, you basically have won the fight.

2021-01-03 05:43:18 UTC  

Whack your opponent's legs as well with the blade, so you can inflict a wound but not a fatal wound if you're looking to only bring them down and not kill them.

2021-01-03 05:43:30 UTC  

Don't give them time to breathe either

2021-01-03 05:43:56 UTC  

I know all of that! There is NOWAY at this small 120 pounds I could weild such a thing! I have a OC who can wield one VERY well!

2021-01-03 05:44:34 UTC  

Ye that's another thing, weight, and strength.

Strength and Speed makes Power.

So having good power to yourself allows for easier execution on your attacks.

2021-01-03 05:44:44 UTC  

Being a resourceful and creative Swordsman is by far the best kind

2021-01-03 05:44:48 UTC  

Use your surroundings

2021-01-03 05:45:09 UTC  

For any blade, have a certain amount of power is always good.

2021-01-03 05:46:55 UTC  

Say you're in a sword fight, and you've managed to swat their blade away just long enough to stun them. He still has his weapon in his arm, but you've moved it temporarily out of the way. Take this opportunity and strike, look at the enemy and see what would be easiest to strike.

Typically, if you had your opponent focused on the upper side, strike him in the below. Whip that Rapier, and strike your Saber hard on his leg. Then kick him in the gut, and try to knock him down.

2021-01-03 05:47:14 UTC  

Always keep your guard up for he could recover fast.

2021-01-03 05:47:46 UTC  

Got some dirt in your hand? Play a little dirty, it's not like you're 2v1ing the guy. This ain't a duel, it's more of a street fight type of battle.

2021-01-03 05:48:47 UTC  

Totally Honorable because, using dirt to blind the enemy is only bad when you're having a simple spar/duel. If you're fighting for life or death, that's different, you can use some dirty tricks.

2021-01-03 05:50:50 UTC  

At least assuming the Duel, is a simple test of skills.

If the Duel is for a bet, has specific rules, or some other third thing, then using a little dirt should be okay, as long as you ain't 2v1ing the guy, cause that's unfair. Only time 2v1ing can be acceptable in a Life or Death battle is if you didn't agree to the Life or Death battle, or depending on the situation.

Because accepting a duel, that may cost your life, and then deciding to 2v1ing them is uncoolio. You accepted the fight, knowingly, that you may die.

2021-01-03 06:21:29 UTC  

it says something about your stregth when you sword can be used like a spear, and when you say a roman gladitor longsword do you mean a gladius byzantius?

2021-01-04 01:02:43 UTC  

who would win,super battle ship bismark or some ww1 area scout planes filled with legends?

2021-01-04 01:12:45 UTC  


2021-01-04 01:12:58 UTC  

*Sabaton Intensifies*

2021-01-04 01:16:08 UTC  


2021-01-04 02:03:18 UTC  

bismark wasn't that big of a battleship

2021-01-04 02:04:59 UTC  

The Iowa Class was 20,000 long tons heavier with a full load

2021-01-04 02:05:29 UTC  

and the Yamato-Class was 32,000 long tons heavier

2021-01-04 02:35:18 UTC  

Bismarck has a better reputation then Yamato because of how it went down fighting other battleships compared to the Yamato being torn apart by Aircraft

2021-01-04 02:35:45 UTC  

Not my point

2021-01-04 02:36:01 UTC  

He called it a super battleship

2021-01-04 02:36:59 UTC  

In terms of historical context, it technically would have been as it was the most powerful battleship on earth at the time

2021-01-04 02:37:16 UTC  

But later in the war, absolutely not

2021-01-04 02:39:24 UTC  

For like 2 years

2021-01-04 02:39:34 UTC  

Yamatos launched in like 1942

2021-01-04 02:40:06 UTC  

If something is the biggest for a period of time and not all time, it’s hardly kept note of

2021-01-04 03:35:17 UTC  

Al Capone was unironically the best politician that Chicago ever had

2021-01-04 07:43:44 UTC  

giant redpill

2021-01-04 14:17:54 UTC  

@Lyte your probably right, it just had 18 inchers, so i thought that was pretty super

2021-01-04 15:06:23 UTC  

@chaz bismarck had 15in guns 🤔

2021-01-04 15:07:15 UTC  

yup, not my area of extperteece, sorry, but do you know what a helepolis is?

2021-01-04 23:46:33 UTC