Message from @Rat King
Discord ID: 721769185113407548
@[TDE] Smokie Identity theft is the number 1 financial crime today so it makes sense.
Yeah. And they were in my pocket in that boating accident. So I didn't lose em
ill take 2
whats it called
It's just a stock and grip CQR setup by Hera Arms. They're a German company.
say what you want about the Germans and the german government, but their guns are nice.
@[TDE] Smokie Its a shame
A damn shame...
Too deep to even dive for em
So, I took the compass test. I'm apparently more left than I thought? Weird, but oh well.
No not really, I'm fairly lefty
Does anyone have any thoughts on the next gen squad weapons that the military is looking into
What would that be
I know they started using some new type of m249 that takes a magazine instead of a drum and looks like a m16
I'm not sure how effective they are
The 6.88 millimeter round instead of the 5.56
And they're also thinking of replacing the frag grenade with a better one that you can set the time of detonation
It's about time
We've been using m16s for the longest time
That grenade also has a flash option that can go 2 meters out
Well why replace something that works?
Should be a radius
A 2 meters radius
They hate replacing anything in the military because it costs money
Yes it does cost money everything does but it would be an upgrade to military strength
Yeah, they could of upgraded 20 years ago if they wanted
Yes but with all the new technology we have now is worth the wait
I think the ak47 is a superior weapon except for 1 issue
It's max effective range is 300 meters compared to the m16a2's 800 metera
The AK was built to last and it's easy to swap parts
max effective of 800m for 5.56 is kinda iffy, i agree it's specced for that on a 20" barrel but realistically its more like 600m...which is still double 300
You can throw mud into an AKs chamber and it'll still fire
so your point is still valid
also, quit dropping it in mud