Message from @Wazup
Discord ID: 727323158516072469
Dude, that criminal!
Hello all! Just showed up in the discord. Saw this thread/channel so here they are! This is my “fud gun” collection. I tend not to post pics of my modern ones for obvious reasons. I’d be happy to answer any question on these.
Idk if you guys would prefer this as some FB groups do but Not For Sale
They weren't worth that much back then.
@Wazup Oh I like
Your rifles are gorgous
I am definitely drooling here! I need a klennex!!
Thank you @ChronicallyChronic
Ah, there's a Lee-Enfield. And a P17.
I dont have a 98...missed my chance back in 1970 when they were $19.95
I enjoy shooting my Enfield. Nice ones you have there!
I do enjoy my Mosin the most. It is fairly indestructibe. I swear I could fill the receiver with gravel and it will load and fire.
The splices are cool. You can tell when the stock was made by the style of splice.
Y'know... ish.
Mint 1938 k98 bayo matching
Very nice hardware there! You are good collector! Very nice! Thanks for the photos! I also like the A2. I have an SP1 myself. A keeper.
My son has the Mosin. Really fun to shoot. As you said...very rugged.
Sage... do you shoot your M39? Looks very clean!
I do but not much. It's got a .308" bore, so I have to be careful with ammo. Looking at just loading my own now.
308?...yeah, I guess you need to be careful. Bet its accurate.
Yeah, the sights and trigger (and everything else) are a cut above the Soviet stuff. She's very nice.
Second-favorite milsurp. Spanish FR-8. Basically a K98 with cut-down wood, H&K-ish (before H&K was a thing) sights, and a 20" barrel in 7.62 NATO. Recoil, LOL.
Finnish! Enuf said! New here and really enjoy the firearms...but gotta get back to work! Always more firearms on my list that need to be acquired! Thanks all for the great photos! Love the mil surplus stuff!
Can you try out guns at a range without being a US citizen?
Just a general question
You can even - in some circumstances - own guns in the US without being a citizen. Permanent residents, for example.
Ah okay
Just joined the discord now cause i want to support tyler keep it lit folks💪🏾👍
So guys i have a question
Are any of yall gun law gurus?