Message from @ThiccSpicyGenderRevealParty
Discord ID: 768687411802406923
Yea well in cali pistol grips are banned
i looked at it
that is very cool
@sixfivebyfiftyfive I dont know you might have to get it custom. It's meant for ar's. It's my dads business and he is super meticulous.
> @sixfivebyfiftyfive I dont know you might have to get it custom. It's meant for ar's. It's my dads business and he is super meticulous.
@Dr. Mathew does he do aks?
i have an airsoft one i hope he can do at some point in time
Why worry about Aks? ARs are superior
AK's are more fun
plus they're simple
@ThiccSpicyGenderRevealParty on the website should be his phone number call it and it will reach his business phone. You can also email which he checks very frequently
You can ask any questions. He won't turn down a customer
Back to memee
ak is superior
ammo is easy to get, as well as cheap
Boys let's be honest here. Nothing beats a good ol lever action
@Dr. Mathew idk how pistol grips attach to the real-steel ars, but in airsoft they use either 2 or 4 tiny screws. If ARs are like other guns that use a certer-bolt, it should work because the screws go in the corners to make room for the motor in an AEG. (AEG = Auto Electric Gun)
agreed Mathew, leverguns are the superior breed.
@sixfivebyfiftyfive I wouldn't know you would have to call the business phone. Rn he is just watching tv lol
lol. Thx. I might look into it sometime. I am currently upgrading a mk18 (airsoft) and then I will look to build a dmr of some sort.
> lol. Thx. I might look into it sometime. I am currently upgrading a mk18 (airsoft) and then I will look to build a dmr of some sort.
@sixfivebyfiftyfive do they make airsoft gun kits/
as in you build it yourself?
Sounds fun. I dont get to shoot often and I have an airsoft gun. No ranges nearby
Other than a ranch that has a personal range we are allowed to use
ooh very nice
yes they have kits, but most guys buy a stock gun or build from independently sourced parts. I intend to source the parts for my next build because I want something unique.
sourcing is fun because it gets to be very technical. :/
the one thing i dont like about my AK is that because of the rail on top of the dust cover, its on a hinge and because of the way the gun is built, getting the dust cover to open is an absolute bitch
as in the dust cover has to be pried off
M243 saw?
rip. can you buy a normal dust cover?
> rip. can you buy a normal dust cover?
@sixfivebyfiftyfive i would but the damn thing is on a hinge
huh, i dont follow but rip
here ill just put a pic here in the chat
gimme a sec
I enjoyed a .22 revolver
nice setup Alpha
looks clean
That was probably my favorite handgun