Message from @Stargatemaster96

Discord ID: 778392663569203201

2020-11-17 19:58:23 UTC  


2020-11-17 19:58:42 UTC  

but i believe that its not needed for self defence

2020-11-17 19:58:56 UTC  

not saying that they should be illegal though

2020-11-17 20:01:59 UTC  

The government has no place saying what I can buy

2020-11-17 21:03:15 UTC  

my dad just walked by me, held up two boxes of ammo, and said with a huge grin 'more ammo in case of looters!'

2020-11-17 21:05:49 UTC  

Boxes??? cases.

2020-11-17 21:12:36 UTC  

doesnt really matter lol

2020-11-17 21:18:59 UTC  


2020-11-17 21:26:31 UTC  

@Bar, tbf, a "case" of ammo often refers to a certain quantity of smaller boxes. e.g., 1 case of ammo might equal 1000 rounds or 50 boxes. So, in my mind, it is perfectly fine to call a 20/50round "case" a box, b/c that's what it is. Kind of like when you buy eggs at the store. you can get a carton of eggs, or you can buy a case which typically equals 3 or more egg cartons.

2020-11-17 21:26:35 UTC  

just my 2c tho

2020-11-17 22:21:43 UTC  

20/50 box IS a box, a case is a case of 20/50/100 round boxes, anywhere between 10 to 25 boxes per case. 500 rounds is a short day at the range.

2020-11-17 22:22:23 UTC  

my 2c

2020-11-17 22:30:37 UTC  

I wish I could afford to shoot 500+ each time I go shooting.

2020-11-17 22:34:33 UTC  

oh, im sorry, I thought you were telling swizzle that boxes are called cases, lol

2020-11-17 22:35:24 UTC  

fr David, I only shot like 5 rounds of 30-30 last time, just to check zero. Zero was ofc off and I did have tools, so I decided not to waste ammo.

2020-11-17 22:45:29 UTC  

When I was in competition it was 800-1,000 rounds a week, its more like a month now. Couldn't afford 1,000/wk now. Still, I haven't bought a single box of ammo in decades, they're cheaper by the case

2020-11-17 22:46:55 UTC  

Well for self defense rounds for my carry pistol, it just didn't make sense to buy more then a single 50 round box. Everything else I buy bulk 600+ round cases.

2020-11-17 22:46:57 UTC  

Oh, that's not true, I've bought single boxes of defense rounds for the EDC firearms and the "placed" home defense weapons.

2020-11-17 22:47:16 UTC  

David we typed that at the same time.

2020-11-17 22:50:32 UTC  

I shoot on 2 competition teams and shoot around 75-100 rounds for the shotgun team and around 150-250 for the steel team every week during the season.

2020-11-17 22:54:32 UTC  

Is your shooting teams related to your school?

2020-11-17 22:54:44 UTC  

The actual competition was 200-300 rounds depending on how I did and when I got bumped, some days 25 did it. But I was at the range burning through ammo for practice all the time.

2020-11-17 22:56:00 UTC  

I am home schooled, but it counts as credit for high school.

2020-11-17 22:57:11 UTC  

Cool, I wish when I was in high school I had an option like that.

2020-11-17 22:58:36 UTC  

Not school, didn't do team shooting, 1980 thru 1993 individual shooter in USPSA before it was USPSA.

2020-11-17 22:58:45 UTC  

Yeah it's pretty fun

2020-11-17 22:59:39 UTC  

We had a gun club when I was in school back in the 1960's but it was about maintenance and cleaning, beginning smithing.

2020-11-17 23:43:23 UTC  

not enough gun posting

2020-11-17 23:44:58 UTC  

I’m in a gun argument with lefties rn, can I get some backup?

2020-11-17 23:45:21 UTC  

There are good days and desert days of gun posting

2020-11-17 23:52:46 UTC  

@Lockwood Studios What kind of gun argument?

2020-11-18 00:03:59 UTC  

What kind of help do you need with lefties and guns?? "shall not be infringed" works for me.

if they bring up the word "need" at any time list all the crap they don't "need", cell phones, facebook, man-buns, piercings, tattoos, fedoras, beards, cars that can go over 40mph, etc. If they bring up "assault" weapons, point out "assault" is a verb and if I hit you with a rock, its an assault weapon. Making laws about what other people NEED is a slippery slope.

If they mention "rifles" as in assault rifles, ask them why they want to ban the firearm used LEAST in homicides in this country. EVERY other type of firearm is used more often than black rifles. ("Its because its black isn't it you racist twat-waddle")

If they bring up the homicide count, point out that 60% of all gun homicide and 70% of all gun crime is gang/drug related. Eliminate gangs and drugs and the US is comparable to most of the world. Over 50% of gun homicides are black on black crime, 6% of the population commits over 50% of the gun homicides.

If they bring up Australia, point out that gun crime rates in the US dropped at the same rate it dropped in Australia without the gun ban. Gun crime rates in the US are currently HALF of what they were in the early 1990's, and have been dropping since the mid 80's. Point out that prisons are gun free and yet the homicide rate there is higher than most of the rest of the world, homicide is an action of PEOPLE not guns.

Hmmm... what else??

2020-11-18 00:07:16 UTC

2020-11-18 00:07:21 UTC  


2020-11-18 00:07:48 UTC  

They are trying to say that people shouldn’t be able to have that kind of power because it can cause a lot of damage or something

2020-11-18 00:09:01 UTC  

and they drive cars??

2020-11-18 00:09:35 UTC  


2020-11-18 00:09:46 UTC  

Just what I was thinking.

2020-11-18 00:10:09 UTC  

Also more deaths are caused by blunt force objects than any gun.

2020-11-18 00:10:39 UTC  

> not enough gun posting
@ᚲᚱᛁᛊᛏᚨᚾ this is airsoft, but i guess it counts.

2020-11-18 00:11:03 UTC  

just finished getting the light and vg positioned how I want em