Message from @Gulag
Discord ID: 791778737460740098
Both...All of my armory, plus dads, plus my younger brother. lots of calibers covered. Suppressed weapons, tracer rounds for night fun. Lots of Ammo expenditure
you got any tips for getting that tax stamp in order to get an SBR?
Tax stamp? 👀
Brace that bitch brother
idk I thought ATF said braces were illegal now
They backed off, everything is good for now
oh sweet
slick looking gun
Resended 2018 letter starting brace regulation
Thanks, if you wanna copy any parts just ask
sure thing!
They only posted it as a suggestion, which they retracted :)
I posted the redaction
What would y'all reccomend as a good gun for someone on a tight budget
Depends on handgun rifle or shotgun and the budget
What do you want to do with it?
Cheapest gun I know of is a Hi-Point
Thou I don't know of anyone who has ever bought one.
The Hi-Point Model C9 has an MSRP under $200.
I mean like, target shooting, carry, home defence?
Med-long range tactical shooting? 👀
If you just need something to go bang for target or home defense, the Hi- Point is probably sufficient, but anything else (even for self defense I'd prefer something more expensive when I'm trusting my life to it but if $200 is all you got I'd trust it over no gun) we need more details.
Also, if your under 21 (not sure of your age), you likely need a rifle or shotgun because most places you can't directly buy a pistol till 21.
The skyys are a decient price for defence on a budget
Or go look in the pawnshops for a good used pistol for that price if there are any
Well just got blocked from black rifle coffee 🤣
Mm the cheapest I've remember seeing are
- RUGER EC9S 9mm, usa made and fairly good pistol for around 200$.
- Ruger Wrangler 22lr for plinking is good, also 200$
- Smith & Wesson M&P bodyguard .380
As for a Hi-Point pistol I'd get the .45, other good cheap pistols include: Kel-Tec p32, SCCY Cpx2 9mm, maybe a Bersa Thunder in 9mm or .380 and KAHR arms CT380 all are around 300 dollars and below that pretty much covers smol pistols
Ah the good, old Smith and Wesson MP AR15
There good for a budget paid around 700$
800 after tax and fee
What did you do? Poor liberal blessed water over the grounds
He probably insulted Mat Best.... called him a snowflake.
Mat best is a liberal?