Message from @kriegor191

Discord ID: 738921482746331157

2020-07-31 23:56:49 UTC  

@Mauler 6 hours is a short HOI4 game

2020-07-31 23:57:10 UTC  

Hoi4 is stupid long with some mods

2020-07-31 23:57:38 UTC  

Flames of war os a tabletop game

2020-07-31 23:57:42 UTC  

I know

2020-07-31 23:57:46 UTC  

I’m just comparing

2020-07-31 23:57:49 UTC  

And it was a relatively small game

2020-07-31 23:57:55 UTC  

Only 200 points

2020-07-31 23:58:22 UTC  

I think I’ve played a 9 hour game straight and finished up 4ish hours the next day

2020-07-31 23:59:02 UTC  


2020-07-31 23:59:07 UTC  

albeit i was trying to take over the entirety of asia 🤔

2020-07-31 23:59:07 UTC  

Side bar: whats the difference between anti-woke and un-woke?

2020-07-31 23:59:34 UTC  

Unwoke is neutral and stay quite

2020-07-31 23:59:41 UTC  

Anti woke would be us

2020-07-31 23:59:51 UTC  

Am i somewhere in the ball park

2020-08-01 00:00:04 UTC  

I could buy it

2020-08-01 00:00:08 UTC  


2020-08-01 00:07:34 UTC  

> @mathgrant Exalted ain't bad. It's more like RP'ing as an action anime character
@kriegor191 I'm told that Pathfinder has a kitsune race in it, and if I'm going to be playing an RPG, I'll be more more invested if I can be a fox instead of an orc or an elf or something.

2020-08-01 00:26:52 UTC  

I've run RPGs online and off for decades. If there was an interest, I'd be willing to give running one a shot.

2020-08-01 00:49:22 UTC  

The overall game focuses more on story telling than rolls. Rolls are important but the game rewards you for thinking through an action and having it A) Make sense and B) Being awesome

2020-08-01 00:50:09 UTC  

Now when I say "makes sense." I mean as far as super ridiculous action sequences go.

2020-08-01 03:32:32 UTC  

To be clear, I'm looking for recommendations of a tabletop gaming community that isn't woke, and that's devoted to tabletop gaming more broadly than a single game. I used to log all of my tabletop game plays on a website that ends in "eek", which is how any rational person should be responding to the Burn Loot Murder movement, but instead the admins of this site decided to be woke af, so I'm not interested anymore.

2020-08-01 03:34:28 UTC  

Are you looking for miniatures tabletop, or pen and paper style?

2020-08-01 03:37:34 UTC  

> I'm mostly into abstract strategy games (AbStrats), because they tend to have rules which are easier to learn and easier to teach to normies.
I'm actually the designer of three such games, but I don't know what the server's views on shameless self-promotion for things being sold on other websites is. They're not quite pencil-and-paper games (like Hangman), and they're not miniatures games.

2020-08-01 03:38:29 UTC  

Okay, that narrows it down.

2020-08-01 03:39:22 UTC  

I know of Roll20, which is a site for pen and paper and board games online.

2020-08-01 03:39:38 UTC  

I've never actually used them, but I've heard good things.

2020-08-01 03:40:27 UTC  

In any event, the website I used to use had pretty much every board game that ever existed, plus sister sites for tabletop RPG's and video games. As a database, it's pretty useful. As a place to log how often you've played each game you own, it's also useful. I just prefer not to give traffic to the site anymore because of the wokeness.

2020-08-01 03:41:36 UTC  

The last RPG I ran was on here, about five years ago. I just used my own server room, we all met up, had a good time.

2020-08-01 03:46:28 UTC  

I've used Tabletop Simulator in the past for playing virtual board games. It's sort of a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none thing. Most games, in my opinion, benefit from being played elsewhere if possible because other sites and programs can enforce the rules more, but for games unavailable elsewhere, it's the simplest way to make those games playable.

2020-08-01 03:46:43 UTC  

@mathgrant promoting something is fine

2020-08-01 03:47:02 UTC  

As long as you don't beg or try o force people

2020-08-01 03:48:50 UTC  

Okay, here's one of the games I've had published, by a small publisher in Spain: <>

2020-08-01 03:49:13 UTC  

This publisher specializes in portable games that fit into pencil cases or other small containers.

2020-08-01 03:49:54 UTC  

He showed it to me earlier

2020-08-01 03:50:01 UTC  

Looks pretty cool

2020-08-01 03:50:07 UTC  

Neat! No clue how that'd translate to online, though.

2020-08-01 03:50:30 UTC  

It's actually playable on the website Board Game Arena (at least, the base game is). I paid a programmer to do it.

2020-08-01 03:52:18 UTC  

One game I've gotten to play on Tabletop Simulator and have bought to hopefully play offline is Letter Jam: <> It's a very thought-provoking word game where players can't see what letters they have, and have to give each other clues to help each other figure out their letters.

2020-08-01 03:54:24 UTC  

These sound like neat concepts. Other than advertising, though, I don't know how you could effectively promote them.

2020-08-01 03:54:29 UTC  

If you know the game Hanabi, it's like that game had a baby with a word game.