Message from @Knotty
Discord ID: 742135076070096917
but the nearest swamp is maybe 5000 blocks away
just dig down under y 40 there are slime chunks all over the world
I have but I can't find one
its annoying
Building my gaming system. G.Skill Tridentz RGB 16GB X 4 placed into my Aorus Z390 Pro motherboard. Intel i9-9900k in the background.
Anyone that wants to play a good Diablo clone on mobile (not P2W)
Nice shirt
Off-topic question has anyone play the new avengers beta
Its “on-topic” here 😂
I didn’t know if I was interrupting
I have not, but I'm somewhat interested
I might just wait for the full game
I just saw the Blizzard employee pay-roll sheet and am dying at the reaction videos and articles for it. God damn people are dense AF when it comes to how to pay people.
If you want a job making $20/hr anywhere in America and think you can get a job that does that with just a GED/HS deploma and no prior experience in a particular field then you are dumber than a wet noodle. Imagine paying a software/video-game programmer/"engineer" 100k, but then paying the video game tester who has no skill or degree in programming minimum wage. Then the video game tester cries foul when they are told "but the CEO makes 40 million, so don't hate the engineer making 100k hate the CEO." I laugh at people that think CEO's don't EARN what they get. The CEO I hired to run my company ran into this exactly 1 time, and he put a notice out in an email that said: put your name on a sheet and I will give you all of my duties for a full 24 hours, and you will have to be me for it, and also you will get paid what I get paid to do it. 25 people signed up, and for 6 months 1 time a week these people got to be CEO for a day, and he oversaw it and made sure the company still ran smoothly and that they couldn't make radical changes like payroll increases or anything like that.
Those same 25 people had a very different view for the rest of their employment as a couple have moved on. The fun part of that was they got to get a call in the middle of the night the day they were supposed to be CEO and if they failed to show up at the company within 2 hours of receiving the call they were terminated, and yes they knew about this ahead of time. Only 1 of them lost their job due to this.
that is a lesson to all of the people that cry "the CEO makes more than me." Because yes if I called the CEO and he failed to show up I would think long and hard about firing him and replacing him very fast.
sorry for the wall 😛
Why shouldn’t the guy with the hardest job make the most money? Oh, right, because communism is the way forward, and everyone needs to be equal.
There is a reason I hired our the position, because I didn't want it. I can do it, but don't want to do it. Hell I think there might be 15 people total that I employ out of almost 200 that know I am the owner of the company.
I aint a company expert but I thought CEOs are like the founders of the company
Can you guys explain to me the roles of a company
HOI4/CK2/EU4/CIV6 players will forever be virgins 😞
*plays halo*
Well, there'a an event goin on in War Thunder and this is one kf the top teir prizes
Every day, thousands of blocks are lined up in rows of ten and unceremoniously executed. #BlockLivesMatter
Press F to pay respects
Doing my first legendary play through of halo
No deaths
If I die I restart the mission
Ok so scratch the restarting mission part
I don't know if some one posted this already or even if it is okay but humble bundle is giving out a game for free right now
Did they forget?