Message from @A Root

Discord ID: 773366495316672562

2020-11-03 18:11:54 UTC  

The thing that amazes me is how they think **we ourselves** can eradicate pain, suffering, sadness, hate, poverty... but the truth is... we're no Gods. Politicians and UN bureaucrats are no Gods. Only God's will can bless us.

2020-11-03 18:16:52 UTC  

Being saved doesn’t mean someone is perfect or free from mistakes and sin. But when we are saved, we no longer want to do the sin. We can slip up, or even still be addicted to the sin.
Something good I once heard was: “If I gave you a button that you could press, and it would take away all desire/addiction to sin, would you press it? If yes, then there’s a good chance that you are indeed truly saved.”

2020-11-03 18:20:38 UTC  

I wish I didn’t have so much anxiety that I have been unable to share the Gospel. How many people do we see each day that don’t know Christ? That will go to Hell for not having been told that Christ was the only way to the Father in Heaven?

2020-11-03 18:23:36 UTC  

The great commission shall be fulfilled

2020-11-03 18:25:50 UTC  

People think that just because you don’t believe in Christ that they would go to Hell, but that’s not it. The 10 commandments are the moral law. Each and every one of us broke that law, as none of us are perfect. And God is perfect and just, so how could He just let law breakers go free, and let imperfection into the perfect Heaven?
Everyone is on a path to Hell, we’ve lied, stolen, hated, disrespected out parents, lusted, and blasphemed.

2020-11-03 18:26:26 UTC  

What Jesus did was take our punishment for us. He paid the fine for our sins.

2020-11-03 18:28:07 UTC  

Which is why, unless you repent and trust in Jesus (like you would a parachute *< good analogy that I know*), you have to pay the debt yourself

2020-11-03 18:28:25 UTC  

Which is Hell

2020-11-03 18:28:57 UTC  

Ah, so I have to believe in Christ himself and to ask for forgiveness for my sins, right?

2020-11-03 18:28:59 UTC  

Yeah that's pretty much right

2020-11-03 18:29:49 UTC  

Yes, Jesus already paid for your sins, you just have to accept the free gift

2020-11-03 18:30:40 UTC  

We are saved through faith by grace, no works or anything else

2020-11-03 18:30:58 UTC  

Faith in Christ by the grace of God

2020-11-03 18:35:40 UTC  

Trying to do good works to get into Heaven would be like a criminal trying to bribe a judge by saying “Maybe I robbed that bank and shot the guard, but I gave all the money and some of my own to the needy”

2020-11-03 18:39:19 UTC  

But trusting in Christ would be as if you’ve run a stop sign while speeding in a school zone, you’ve got a big fine to pay, then someone comes in and pays it for you. All you have to do is accept it

2020-11-03 20:18:48 UTC  

Living waters? @CoolGuard

2020-11-03 20:18:58 UTC  


2020-11-03 20:19:03 UTC  


2020-11-03 21:31:54 UTC  

“Drink, and Thou wilt never thirst.”

2020-11-04 01:06:13 UTC  

I'm not the best believer, but I at least know in my head that prayer works. I am a bit depressed right now. A friend of mine that I am practically family with and I have strong feelings for just told me something that I am really torn up over. It has soured my outlook and I am starting to fall back into some bad habits to cope. Please pray for me.

2020-11-04 02:02:20 UTC  

I will @Zattmann - 저남자 everything will be ok.

2020-11-04 02:03:38 UTC  

Thank you

2020-11-04 02:26:42 UTC  

@Zattmann - 저남자 You’ll be in my prayers, as well. ❤️🙏

2020-11-04 02:27:06 UTC  

Sorry to hear you’re going through that.

2020-11-04 02:51:07 UTC  

Thank you @Al <3

2020-11-04 02:53:08 UTC  

Of course, @Zattmann - 저남자 . It’ll be okay.. there’s always calm after the storm; just hold tight to your faith and trust that that good Lord has gotta plan ☺️

2020-11-04 02:57:45 UTC  

I try. And hearing incouragement from others really helps. It wouldn't be so hard if I didn't have my feelings involved. I usually don't, but I did this time. This is the first time I have actually asked someone to pray for me. I usually swallow my problems, but I knew that if I let myself go this time I might really mess up.

2020-11-04 03:08:17 UTC  

I’m sorry to hear that.. I’m glad you’ve reached out for help, however.. If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m happy to lend an ear @Zattmann - 저남자

2020-11-04 03:10:26 UTC  

Or encouragement, or prayers.. whatever you may need, just give a holler and I’m happy to help ya get through this any way I can. ☺️

2020-11-04 03:15:12 UTC  

Thank you @Al <3. It means a lot.

2020-11-04 03:15:54 UTC  

Of course.. Happy to help @Zattmann - 저남자

2020-11-04 03:19:39 UTC  

God’s got this.. just lay it at His feet. You’re precious and loved. Don’t ever forget that.

2020-11-04 06:24:29 UTC  

Praying for you @Zattmann - 저남자 🙏

2020-11-04 12:24:48 UTC  

Thank you

2020-11-04 15:08:40 UTC  

this was not written by me, but i would like to share

2020-11-04 15:08:42 UTC  

After 3 combat tours in Iraq, I have come to the inescapable conclusion that I-sham is a cult of death and oppression. It is a fake religion, to a fake god and a false pedophilic prophet. So many of these "good muslims" would have you believing that they are so pious and holy, but would then turn right around and decapitate you as an "infidel" for not bowing to their fake god and prophet. The whole thing is a hypocritical joke. The savagery and atrocities I saw committed in the name of this fake religion are beyond description.

2020-11-04 15:23:05 UTC  

I created this prayer that I encourage everyone of all religions to take the time to pray (even tho most people are christians, many are still not awakened to the Lord's love)

2020-11-04 15:23:06 UTC  

"Dear Lord almighty God may you shine thy mercy on Donald Trump and give America your everlasting grace that you give us, even when we do not deserve it as fools and sinners. You are righteous and holy, and you watch over the world in our doings. You give your love and mercy to all, and we ask O Lord that you may give us hope for victory, so we can lead an America in your perfect name. We are damned, however you are merciful and just. Dear St. Rita of Cascia, you have bared a lot of pain and conflict due to political climates during your life, soon resulting in the death of your husband, however you were so faithful to God and His only begotton son Jesus Christ that you're children were saved and managed to create peace throughout Italy, and we ask that no matter who wins, people will know that God is still king and we must love one another. Dear holy and awesome God, we ask this all through you and your grace, and in your name we pray. Amen."

2020-11-04 16:06:57 UTC  

"and then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another." This describes these days to a T

2020-11-04 16:13:10 UTC  

"For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places."

2020-11-04 17:01:53 UTC  

> "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places."
@TheTexanPlays i remember these quotes. it reminds me of nations falling, and how people will bring death on earth