Discord ID: 198089664576487425
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*role Conservative
ugg not working
*role conservative
*role christian
*role USA
1.Do you agree to follow the TOS and Server Rules? YES
2.What brought you here? (State user or website you were referred from.) Disboard
3. Do You Support Donald J Trump? If yes,please state the policies you agree with.) Yes Border, jobs, lower taxes pretty much everything
4. Do you agree to remain CIVIL in the server? yes
5.Do you support any extremists organizations or ideologies? no
6. Which would you say you lean?( @Right Wing @Centrist @Left Wing ) @Right Wing
Hello, lol been trying to get in here since yesterday checkbox wasn't working finally contacted a moderator and now here I am. lol coyotes.
There are Coyotes where my mother lives. The animal lol
Media has caused more problems than ever was before media lol
!p God bless the usa
!p God bless the usa
!p From Sea to Shining Sea
!p Top 10 Most Patriotic American Songs
!p Woody Guthrie- This Land Is Your Land
!p Bruce Springsteen - Born In The U.S.A.
How do i skip this currently playing?
much better
what in the world am i listning to
All Lives Matter. and I mean all
How about if we win we take blue and let them have red. Blue has always been my favorite color and i get mixed fillings when i wear blue cause i want to show my red support lol
LOL @Risate
The leftists view: If we can't win we cheat
That's their entire moto
I just feel like we should round up all the people who voted for biden try to snap them out of the brainwashing if it can't be done put them all on cali and break cali from the us, LOL
Cheaters every time is the dems
"and then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another." This describes these days to a T
"For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places."
I'm Generation X
I'm done with all Media except for A few good conservative people on Youtube that i watch.
CNN, ABC, FoxNews, etc.. can go screw themselves.
Sick and tired of all the right wing phonies out there who are against Trump.
Never seen an election so ruined by cheating
If They could of stopped mail in voting from the beginning\ we wouldn't be seeing this right now and Trump would be declared the winner.
If Biden is inaugurated He will not be considered my president. He didn't win fair thus not my president.
I don't care what Sleepy bidden says, I and my large family did attend thanksgiving and will attend Christmas together. They can not tell me what to do in my or my families homes. that is illegal.
I got a reply from youtube from my feedback about taking their false joe biden won ads off my page....
WOW Discord took down 3 political servers i was in
I deleted my twitter account today
It's so hard to let go of things like facebook and twitter. but what must be done must be done.
one political server i'm in went "underground" changed the discord name to Chill Spot lol
bad mother
stick to your principles don't let her try to change you.
twitter sucks
so does facebook
one check mark guy that is conservative on twitter before i deleted my account said he lost like 12k followers
Twitch for disabling trump channel for " incite further violence"
Twitter for banning trump for the same reason
google for the same reason
Youtube for the same reason
Facebook same reason
Instagram same thing
snapchat same thing
tiktok same
Apple for removing parlor
Discord for their witch hunt.
Pinterest "incite further violence"
these are the top ones to remove/delete
yea deleting a bunch of discord servers
they deleted 3 political servers i was in just today
sofar today I have removed myself from 11 discord servers and counting. I want to limit my discord use to just a few discord servers.
I hope every single right wing person leaves twitter. they would be hurting so bad.
I have family on facebook but I only use messenger. and anytime i post it's a political post lol
Never be afraid
stand up for your right and be proud you voted for Trump.
we have to many cowards as it is.. like those 50 republicans who voted that there was no fraud
We have our God given voice.. use it.
I am never afraid to tell it like it is.. they got a problem with it i would like to meet them face to face.. lol
not for any violence reason just to stare them down
Parlor is weird when you first join
let him take it from my dead cold hands
lol i red it as you shot your friends for a moment.
I was like woah you shot your friends lol
The people who broke the window of the capitol and crawled in and those who vandalize and try to break down the doors should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I don't care if they where Trump supporters or not. which from what I've been told some where not trump supporters.
Those people who broke the law at the capital only made things worse.
Left/libs/dems are all evil to the core.
Poor Parlor has been taking the brunt of the capitol left making up lies that it started there.
onlyfans is porn
I don't get the whole fascination with porn. Just to jack off? come on grow up.
if you are a child you shouldn't know what the world porn means
Trump is working on his own platform for social media
Trump is not a politician and that's what we need. cause politicians are crooked.
When Texit passes we will take Trump he can move here XD
Trump can be President of The Republic of Texas
DIscord is a bully
@SatoshisCousin what the hell?
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