Message from @Kit_DewStein

Discord ID: 774519548765536306

2020-11-07 04:44:28 UTC  

Also a local pastor near me Charles Lawson talk talks about the end times more than anything and goes down rabbit holes a lot but he's a pretty good listen

2020-11-07 04:44:34 UTC  

And Ray Comfort

2020-11-07 04:44:53 UTC  

I've only heard of the last one

2020-11-07 04:45:02 UTC  

Think about it is a good channel too

2020-11-07 04:45:21 UTC  

Will do

2020-11-07 04:47:10 UTC  
2020-11-07 04:48:25 UTC  

Saved them both to my playlist

2020-11-07 04:48:30 UTC  
2020-11-07 04:48:40 UTC  

That's the 3 beside ray

2020-11-07 04:48:52 UTC  

You know him lol

2020-11-07 05:38:29 UTC  

> @SomeSouthernGuy well I mostly use it as a tool when I'm preaching against Muslims
@ARCADEIUS i am always careful about sharing with other faith groups. I am/was friends with a man who was Jewish (he is still friends with my husband but I don’t talk to him very much) and he told me straight out he was not interested in hearing about my faith in Jesus. If people are curious I am happy to share but I really do try to respect people of other faiths. Those who are willing to have a conversation with me, well I share as long as they are open to hearing what I say. But I try to remain respectful at all times. I would never try to “catch” someone in a fault of their religion. I try to only say what the Bible says.

2020-11-07 05:40:16 UTC  

My favorite modern day preachers if anyone is interested are Robert Morris at gateway church Jimmy Evans family life today and Rick warren saddleback church.

2020-11-07 06:06:34 UTC  

Well you only include book that are inspired by God, hence Enoch is not included

2020-11-07 06:07:17 UTC  

You can read is as a "history" book

2020-11-07 06:15:18 UTC  

There are certain books not put in the Bible that are included in the Catholic Bibles. There are also other books not in either. Some are fake and some were not inspired by the Holy Spirit.

2020-11-07 06:18:26 UTC  

Others when compared to other books of the Bible certain books didn't add up. The book of James (not in the Bible) doesn't match other manuscripts. It claims Jesus made clay birds and make them alive. But Jesus' first miracle was turning water into wine.

2020-11-07 06:21:28 UTC  

The book of James is in the Qur'an.

2020-11-07 06:22:13 UTC  

There is another book claiming Jesus married Mary Magdalene, which doesn't add up in the slightest

2020-11-07 06:22:37 UTC  

There are reasons certain books aren't in most Bibles

2020-11-07 06:23:00 UTC  

> @ARCADEIUS i am always careful about sharing with other faith groups. I am/was friends with a man who was Jewish (he is still friends with my husband but I don’t talk to him very much) and he told me straight out he was not interested in hearing about my faith in Jesus. If people are curious I am happy to share but I really do try to respect people of other faiths. Those who are willing to have a conversation with me, well I share as long as they are open to hearing what I say. But I try to remain respectful at all times. I would never try to “catch” someone in a fault of their religion. I try to only say what the Bible says.
@kendikane88 yes I agree with this and most of the time you're not going to convince someone with words they're going to have to see that there's something different with your life

2020-11-07 06:24:10 UTC  

I have read the Qur' is an interesting read...but it is a lot

2020-11-07 06:26:26 UTC  

> @kendikane88 yes I agree with this and most of the time you're not going to convince someone with words they're going to have to see that there's something different with your life
Action over words!!! Something alot of Christian's lack, including myself

2020-11-07 06:26:55 UTC  

True for me as well a lot of the time sadly

2020-11-07 06:44:40 UTC  
2020-11-07 10:47:47 UTC  

@DeButcher I'm just getting to your message to me from yesterday. I don't know what you are talking about "he had you in the first half, lol". I don't know about you, but I am a Bible-believing, born-again Christian. Is that the case with you? If so, your statement that it's always good to get informed about other religions is not an advisable thing to do for Christians. Jer. 10:2a says, "Learn not the way of the heathen". In Exo. 23:13 God forbid the Jews of even mentioning the name of the pagan idol gods, along with forbidding them from having the idol gods (20:3-5). Paul made no comparative religion speech when he spoke to the Athenians on Mars' Hill in Acts 17; instead, he chided them for their vain attempts at knowing the one true God, the God of the Bible, while still giving credence to a plethora of false gods, telling them in v. 22, "I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious." Now, we are commanded to "be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:" (1 Pet. 3:15), and, Jude 3, "ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." But, I don't see that as a charge to study out all religions. Instead, I have a duty simply to preach the Gospel (Mk. 16:15), and preach the word of God (2 Tim. 4:2). It is: study out the word of God (2 Tim. 2:15), not: study out unbiblical religions.

2020-11-07 10:52:31 UTC  

@DrStrange77 I'm just getting to your message from yesterday. No need to be sorry about how I feel. I am just taking what the Bible says and applying it to the situation, and seeing that Mormonism violates the clear and explicit command there in Gal. 1, seeing therefore it is not of God. No hard feelings or anything, I am just applying it and finding that Mormonism comes up wanting. The Bible is the sole authority for faith and practice--that was the keynote to the Protestant Reformation as well as the principle through the ages back to the beginning of Christianity of all Bible-believing Christians. When the last book of Revelation was penned down through John, God sealed His whole book of revelation, not just that from John, but the Bible overall with this in 22:18-19, "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." Therefore, any and all additions to the revelation completed then are illegitimate and not of God. It's too bad that you think Mormonism is legitimate, but if you can see and understand what God was saying in Gal. 1 and Rev. 22 you should be consistent and realize Mormonism is not of God.

2020-11-07 12:14:55 UTC  
2020-11-07 12:32:18 UTC  

@DannyNC1 Satan brought 200 Angels who thought the women of Earth We're beautiful. They had children with women and these children were the Giants of great renown

2020-11-07 12:32:38 UTC  

This is in the times when men begin to multiply over the Earth

2020-11-07 12:32:52 UTC  

What does that have to do with anything?

2020-11-07 12:33:14 UTC  

You said The Book of Enoch is a theory

2020-11-07 12:33:24 UTC  

I'm trying to explain to you why it's not

2020-11-07 12:33:35 UTC  

I said nothing about it--you must have confused me with someone else.

2020-11-07 12:35:42 UTC  

@DannyNC1 LOL I think I did read that wrong

2020-11-07 12:35:54 UTC  

Yep, no problem

2020-11-07 12:36:34 UTC  

I don't know how I got history from Theory I just woke up man lol just having my first cup of coffee

2020-11-07 12:38:17 UTC  

@DannyNC1 what is your opinion on the Book of Enoch do you take it for truth or do you think it's false

2020-11-07 12:45:17 UTC  
2020-11-07 12:46:30 UTC  
2020-11-07 12:47:15 UTC