Message from @Yung Billy Gates

Discord ID: 777718964578418709

2020-11-15 16:48:00 UTC  

Priests arent mandated reporters

2020-11-15 16:48:32 UTC  

and as far as theyre concerned, having confessed to God and sought repentance is a greater turn around in ones life than prison would provide

2020-11-15 17:22:57 UTC  


2020-11-15 17:31:44 UTC  

God bless yall

2020-11-15 17:51:16 UTC

2020-11-15 19:55:20 UTC  

My pastor dispells the progressive notions with biblical accuracy

2020-11-15 21:40:13 UTC  

> what is a preist supposed to do if somebody confesses something illegal?
@DrStrange77 they don't tell anyone, no matter what it is, because of the Seal of Confession, which prevents them from saying anything that someone confesses to them

2020-11-15 23:10:44 UTC  

My uncle has lung cancer, so, can people please pray for him

2020-11-15 23:11:09 UTC  

I will pray for him @†Legendary Crusader†

2020-11-15 23:11:17 UTC  


2020-11-15 23:11:52 UTC  

I will

2020-11-16 00:47:19 UTC  

Hi guys,
What’s the general thinking around here. Do Christians believe the words of Jesus that “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood” and what’s going on in the world right now is part of the end days?
I’m surprised at how many believers think the devil is going to come out openly and say “here I am”
Jesus said evil disguises Itself as as angel of light and to NOT be deceived.
Here’s my take, it’s possible TO be deceived that’s why Jesus warned against it.

2020-11-16 01:17:35 UTC  

I believe we are nearing the end times, but have not yet entered the 7-year tribulation period. The Anti-Christ will appear at the beginning of the tribulation, being widely loved, and be almost as a "savior" to the world. But then later on in the tribulation, he will declare himself as god or like god, and be in the 3rd temple (that is not yet made, however they're almost all set to start building it). This is when the mark of the beast comes in, where anyone who does not accept the mark and 'worship' it's image, will not be able to buy or sell. Any Christians during this time will likely face death for their faith.
Although, I believe the rapture *(where all those who have died and those still alive in Christ, which are those that are saved, will be taken up into the clouds and Heaven to meet Jesus)* will take place either at the start of the tribulation, or be one of the final blows to the world which allows the Anti-Christ to come onto the world stage and make "peace" from the resulting chaos, therefore starting the 7-year tribulation.

2020-11-16 01:35:05 UTC  

How many of y’all got that BUSSY 😩👅💦

2020-11-16 02:15:05 UTC  

^ god bless

2020-11-16 02:15:12 UTC  

Any @muslims in here?

2020-11-16 02:17:04 UTC  

What does the Quran say though? I’m Muslim @fozzy

2020-11-16 02:17:30 UTC  


2020-11-16 03:46:50 UTC  

> Hi guys,
> What’s the general thinking around here. Do Christians believe the words of Jesus that “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood” and what’s going on in the world right now is part of the end days?
> I’m surprised at how many believers think the devil is going to come out openly and say “here I am”
> Jesus said evil disguises Itself as as angel of light and to NOT be deceived.
> .....
> Here’s my take, it’s possible TO be deceived that’s why Jesus warned against it.
@HR I personally do believe we are in the end days. A lot of the book of Revelation is coming to fruition right now. But I do not think it will happen for a long time. Even if it did happen tomorrow, all of the Christians would be dead by the time it does happen because of the Rapture. Then there will be the 7 Year Tribulation, where anyone who did not believe is given a second chance. Then the False Prophet and the Anti-Christ will come. They will convince everyone that Satan is God. The Anti-Christ is the satanic Christ. The False Prophet will be the ultimate deceiver.

2020-11-16 04:40:35 UTC  

I'm an atheist, I would appreciate it if someone could explain what Christianity is about

2020-11-16 04:44:26 UTC  

Okay, I'm going to try my best based off of what I know. So, Christianity is all about the life and death of Jesus. That he is the Son of God, and that he died for your sins, and was resurrected on the third day. And that they only way to Heaven, is through him.

2020-11-16 05:13:39 UTC  

I think the first step as an atheist would be to realize that you did not come from nothing. Please if someone would explain how there was nothing and it went bang and now we have intelligent life that would be great.

2020-11-16 05:15:21 UTC  

First you must realize that there was an omnipresent God that created everything. That he took 6 days to make it, and took the 7th to rest.

2020-11-16 05:15:31 UTC  

When one looks at a beautiful painting you don’t say “wow look what came about randomly all by itself after billions of years”
Even a child would know this to be willful ignorance

2020-11-16 05:15:59 UTC  

People are infinitely more wonderful and complex than any painting could ever be

2020-11-16 05:16:33 UTC  

You also would need to reject evolution, because the Bible says that it never happened.

2020-11-16 05:19:49 UTC  

@CoolGuard speaking of tribulation, are u pre trib, mid or post trib

2020-11-16 05:24:37 UTC  

No matter what stage anyone believes the trib will be KEEP YOUR LAMPS TRIMMED

2020-11-16 05:25:02 UTC  

I’d rather be prepared and get taken than not be prepared and go through it

2020-11-16 05:26:26 UTC  

> @CoolGuard speaking of tribulation, are u pre trib, mid or post trib
@DeButcher He said in it he was pre-Tribulation.

2020-11-16 05:27:12 UTC  

> I'm an atheist, I would appreciate it if someone could explain what Christianity is about
@[average canadian] I’d be happy to talk with you about it. However, it’s a bit late tonight, but if you’re on tomorrow we can

2020-11-16 05:27:26 UTC  

> @CoolGuard speaking of tribulation, are u pre trib, mid or post trib
@DeButcher pre-trib

2020-11-16 05:27:35 UTC  

Yeah for sure

2020-11-16 05:27:45 UTC  

If we were in the Tribulation right now, we would need to have the Mark of the Beast in order to buy food

2020-11-16 05:29:24 UTC  

> Yeah for sure
@[average canadian] alright, if you don’t see me on, feel free to @ me

2020-11-16 05:29:52 UTC  

Copy that

2020-11-16 05:32:39 UTC  

I hop between pre and mid don't understand how post is possible

2020-11-16 05:35:20 UTC  

Seth here is a video you can watch