Message from @mathgrant

Discord ID: 778102321623859221

2020-11-17 00:43:24 UTC  

bad news my grandpa isn't getting any better with covid. His lungs were just too damaged to fight it off. They expect him to pass tonight or tomorrow, thanks for the thoughts and prayers its greatly appreciated

2020-11-17 00:52:22 UTC  

I'm so sorry

2020-11-17 00:53:40 UTC  

I'll keep you and your family in my prayers 🙏

2020-11-17 00:56:20 UTC  

I'm so sorry @Meryl.140.15
Are you and he Christians? If you're both saved, while it may hurt now, you can find comfort that he will be in Heaven with The Father, where there's no pain or suffering, and you will be reunited some day. I'll pray from him and you/your family

2020-11-17 01:07:18 UTC  

A lot of my Christian friends get confused when I say I look forward to the day I die. I always have to explain to them that I look forward to that day because I will get to see God face to face. I'll get to meet my grandpa and all of my other family members I never got to know.

2020-11-17 01:50:12 UTC  

Yes this life is like a blink of an eye. You can’t even compare 100 years of life here to eternity!
It’s so nothing and death is not the end.

2020-11-17 01:57:54 UTC  

God is something I feel i dont make enough time for

2020-11-17 01:58:00 UTC  

especially praying to god

2020-11-17 01:59:18 UTC  

I’m the same way, the distractions of this world take time away from Him

2020-11-17 01:59:39 UTC  

yeah I don't really want to hear the "don't be sad you'll see him later" stuff it's really not that comforting. Thanks though i appreciate the thought

2020-11-17 02:00:12 UTC  

in the end, Death is a natural process

2020-11-17 02:00:25 UTC  

only difference is if it is painful or not

2020-11-17 02:00:59 UTC  

but I hope the best for whatever you need

2020-11-17 02:04:42 UTC  

I don’t mean to not be sad, we all need time to grieve when we loose someone. I just wanted you to remember and look forward to reuniting. I don’t mean to sound insensitive or anything

2020-11-17 02:05:55 UTC  

I know you meant well don't worry about it

2020-11-17 02:29:29 UTC  

> bad news my grandpa isn't getting any better with covid. His lungs were just too damaged to fight it off. They expect him to pass tonight or tomorrow, thanks for the thoughts and prayers its greatly appreciated
@Meryl.140.15#3798 sorry to hear that. My grandpa passed a few months ago from dementia. He struggled for days in the hospice. He actually set a record there for how long he fought. We used the opportunity to tell him about Jesus, which he had missed out on his whole life as a catholic. When he finally did pass, he looked at my mom (his daughter) one last time and accepted death. It was very peaceful and a happy moment. The struggle had put a strain on us all and we were glad he was finally at peace.

2020-11-17 02:29:48 UTC  

I wish your grandpa a peaceful passing

2020-11-17 02:59:28 UTC  

> @Meryl.140.15 sorry to hear that. My grandpa passed a few months ago from dementia. He struggled for days in the hospice. He actually set a record there for how long he fought. We used the opportunity to tell him about Jesus, which he had missed out on his whole life as a catholic. When he finally did pass, he looked at my mom (his daughter) one last time and accepted death. It was very peaceful and a happy moment. The struggle had put a strain on us all and we were glad he was finally at peace.
@Dr. Taco It's not really "death". If you've accept Jesus Christ as your savior, and that he has died on the cross for your sins, by that you are saved. So while you physically die, your spirit and soul are sent to Heaven. True Death is when you're sent to hell.

Course that is too say, doesn't mean it ain't painful or some kind of death. Death is painful no matter what, but True Death is just straight up scarier

2020-11-17 03:02:14 UTC  

Yeah, he accepted that he had to let go of us.

2020-11-17 03:28:19 UTC

2020-11-17 03:40:49 UTC  

I wish I had the courage to pray for people. Many events have damaged my relationship with God, but one thing that widened the gap in particular was when I met one of the relatively scarce heterosexual Christian furries and prayed for his relationship with his girlfriend that it would be a good example to me in a fandom full of bad examples. A few days later, the guy talked about how they'd had premarital sex and bragged that it was awesome, without a hint of repentance or seeming to understand that Christianity kinda discourages that. I felt like God was trolling me with this, and that He doesn't care about me or love me. Maybe God let me become a furry because He *wants* me in Hell. So I almost never pray for other people anymore, because what's the point if that's how He answers my prayers. ._.

2020-11-17 03:54:41 UTC  

God doesn’t want anyone to go to Hell.
We are not the perfect or omniscient, only God. He knows what’s best for us, even if we don’t see it at the time. God can make good from bad situations.
Perhaps that was His was of warning you that those people weren’t ones you should look up to for guidance. If you hadn’t heard that sooner, it’s possible that they could’ve lead you to sin

2020-11-17 04:01:40 UTC  

@mathgrant One thing I try to remember to do when praying, I ask or pray for what it was that I’m praying for, but also ask God that His will be done above my own and acknowledge that He knows what’s best for me, even if I can’t see how

2020-11-17 04:19:46 UTC  

> I wish I had the courage to pray for people. Many events have damaged my relationship with God, but one thing that widened the gap in particular was when I met one of the relatively scarce heterosexual Christian furries and prayed for his relationship with his girlfriend that it would be a good example to me in a fandom full of bad examples. A few days later, the guy talked about how they'd had premarital sex and bragged that it was awesome, without a hint of repentance or seeming to understand that Christianity kinda discourages that. I felt like God was trolling me with this, and that He doesn't care about me or love me. Maybe God let me become a furry because He *wants* me in Hell. So I almost never pray for other people anymore, because what's the point if that's how He answers my prayers. ._.

You should always pray even for little things. Even if you don't really know what you're doing. Little steps are always good to take.

Just talking to God is a good thing alone. God would never want anyone in helk but when you're not following in the path he's made away for you, you will start to drift away.

Whenever it comes to anything ALWAYS put God first. Praying every morning and night is good too.

Do whatever you can do, take baby steps cause believe it or not it can be very draining for even what seems like small things.

This is why we have a day of rest, cause you're not just supposed to go to church and that be it.

When you go to church, even just praying in your thoughts and listening is good. It can be very spiritual draining.

Even if you're asleep, your spirit listens on to all.

Your spirit listens to everything both evil and good.

2020-11-17 04:20:17 UTC  

Just do the best you can and God will honor that alone

2020-11-17 04:21:14 UTC  

It could be like praying for the guy.

Have a prayer room or just do it in your own room.

Ask God and tell him to shine his light on the other guy. God will do it.

Ask and you shall receive

2020-11-17 04:24:19 UTC  

God never stops loving but when you stray away from him, you make it harder for him to reach you

2020-11-17 04:24:42 UTC  

The more and more you ignore him and drift, the more he'll be unable to do anything

2020-11-17 04:57:04 UTC  

For me especially, being a muslim, it is hard to live life while not praying consitantly

2020-11-17 05:08:29 UTC  

yeah i hear that muslims have to pray like 20 times a day or something

2020-11-17 05:09:17 UTC  

and because of the demands put on muslims it's hard for a lot of muslims to be devout muslims and i'm sure there's guilt that comes with that

2020-11-17 05:54:18 UTC  

20 times a day is a lot lol

2020-11-17 05:54:26 UTC  

the rule is 5 prayers a day

2020-11-17 05:54:43 UTC  

I try to pray at least once a day

2020-11-17 05:55:00 UTC  

too many other things get in the way for me to do 5 times

2020-11-17 06:09:49 UTC  

not exactly 20, was an exaggeration :P

2020-11-17 13:49:16 UTC  

Sharia Law is *lame* The code of the Knights Templar are way cooler

2020-11-17 13:50:00 UTC  

change my mind

2020-11-17 14:54:55 UTC  

According to Twitter, all sharia law consists of is interest-free credit cards, ya Islamophobic bigot!

2020-11-17 15:33:36 UTC  

praise lord jesus

2020-11-17 17:41:37 UTC  

crusade for jesus