Message from @Rocci

Discord ID: 778518425617956875

2020-11-18 07:05:40 UTC  

there's quite a bit of nsfw in fandom

2020-11-18 07:06:06 UTC  

I know that much from just existing online unfortunatlely

2020-11-18 07:06:10 UTC  


2020-11-18 07:06:27 UTC  

yeah that's about it

2020-11-18 07:06:44 UTC  

so in basic context it's just people who like animal costumes and cosplay as animals?

2020-11-18 07:07:15 UTC  

yeah kinda

2020-11-18 07:07:32 UTC  

In a nutshell yes

2020-11-18 07:07:40 UTC  

I don't think most furries are into bestiality, or even a significant portion of them are, although it's probably larger than in the general population.

2020-11-18 07:08:26 UTC  

Most furries are simply into animal artwork and other anthropomorphic-animal-related crafts, including fursuits. Most furries don't own fursuits themselves, but the ones who do get lots of attention.

2020-11-18 07:09:23 UTC  

Some furries are into anthropomorphic animals in a sexual way, but for most of those, it's just a kink. They have sex with each other, not with real animals.

2020-11-18 07:09:36 UTC  


2020-11-18 07:09:46 UTC  

okay thanks y'all I just have heard a *lot* of stuff about them and wanted to know what exactly it is. I appreciate the clarification.

2020-11-18 07:09:59 UTC  

A lot of furries are bad people, and the ones who claim to be Christian aren't much better.

2020-11-18 07:10:44 UTC  

It's probably better to stay away from communities with high concentrations of furries, but also not to judge conservative furries like @Mauler just because they're furries. The conservatives ones are all right.

2020-11-18 07:11:24 UTC  

ive met plenty of decent furries

2020-11-18 07:11:44 UTC  

Alright, let's keep this discussion out of <#770707776070090794>

2020-11-18 07:11:51 UTC  

yeah lol

2020-11-18 07:13:14 UTC  

would <#724105019393179660> work

2020-11-18 07:13:19 UTC  

Mauler is the best Christian furry ever.

2020-11-18 07:14:00 UTC  

thanks again y'all! ima go to bed though. pleasure talkin with you guys!

2020-11-18 07:14:16 UTC  

@Mauler Please go to <#727615870385389638>

2020-11-18 07:14:42 UTC  

it was a joke

2020-11-18 07:31:31 UTC  

God is yes

2020-11-18 12:55:56 UTC  

I’m with you on that, I’ve been a Christian long before I became a furry

2020-11-18 14:08:26 UTC  

does any body know where i can find chainmail,a sword,a Templar helmet,and a sheild

2020-11-18 14:09:41 UTC  

im going on a **ON ANOTHER CRUSADE** i also want a halloween costume for next year

2020-11-18 15:58:59 UTC  

“Even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed! As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed!” (Gal 1:8-9)

2020-11-18 17:31:01 UTC  

My dudes, I literally gave my life to Christ a year ago.

2020-11-18 17:33:09 UTC  

nice i plan to when theirs another "Official" crusade

2020-11-18 17:34:49 UTC  

What’s stopping you from starting another crusade?

2020-11-18 18:04:40 UTC  

@Milkgamer55 Great thing! Glad to hear it. Is today the anniversary of that? You should try to mark it every year. It absolutely was the right decision for you, and good for you!

2020-11-18 18:10:24 UTC  


2020-11-18 18:33:52 UTC  

September 2019, and I’m glad I did.

2020-11-18 18:57:36 UTC  

Awesome dude!!! Congrats!!!

2020-11-18 20:00:50 UTC  

Religion provides purpose, a human needs purpose in order the experience fulfillment. I’d suggest you try going to church with one of the people you know who is religious, but don’t just go, meet the pastor and introduce yourself. Maybe try multiple churches see which one fits. @Joe Davey

2020-11-18 20:04:12 UTC  


2020-11-18 20:07:50 UTC  

@Milkgamer55 good point but im also only teen so not like i can just leave school and reclaim the holy land *sad crusader noises*

2020-11-18 20:12:21 UTC  

07 for that one

2020-11-18 22:48:20 UTC  

I’m so happy because of spiritual joy. It’s delight in Jesus and his presence/relationship with god that brings a joy the world cannot provide.

2020-11-18 23:34:54 UTC  

Worldly pleasure is good for sometime but then the satisfaction runs out and people feel empty inside.

2020-11-18 23:39:04 UTC  

Well, a big reason to why they are happy is because they trust Jesus. Trusting in Jesus is kind of like trusting a parachute when you know you're going to have to jump out a plane (which in this analogy is death). You know the parachute is there to save you.
But Jesus is not only there for you, but He loves you.
As for accepting the word of God, your past doesn't matter. But also you can't just "accept" it, exactly, you have to truly believe it.
Also, I advise not getting "religious" per say. Hear me out. Jesus didn't like religion either, which, as the Son of God, seems a bit strange, right? Well, religion can be corrupted by man, as can be seen by the ones who falsely accused Jesus and got Him put to death were the religious ones that refused to accept that Jesus was the One they were waiting for because He didn't do what they wanted Him to do.
Many Christians consider it to be a relationship with Christ.

and one thing to remember is, Christians are saved **not** by any work we do. There's nothing we can do to earn our way to Heaven. We have lied, stolen, lusted, hated, and more. And perfect judge (God) can't justly let that go. But that's why Jesus died on the cross. He voluntarily came down to earth, to be beaten, spit on, mocked, whipped, forced to carry His own execution device to His execution spot, where He was nailed to and hung on the cross.
Not for "us" but for **you**. Each person individually. By name. Why? Because He loves us still, no matter how many times we turn our back on Him.
Christ paid the debt for our sins that we couldn't. He takes our sins from our past, present, and future, and paid them on the cross.
Christians just believe Him, repent (which is to confess to God and turn away from our sins) and accept that free gift His has provided for us. We are saved by grace (of God) through faith (in Christ).