Message from @CoolGuard
Discord ID: 783361528488656906
Purgatory is only taught by the Catholic church, so outside of Catholic beliefs, you won't find it anywhere in Christianity
Its not inaction that causes purgatory its simply a lack of enough wrong to go to hell so just repent for stuff
And I'm fine not believing in purgatory but cheese
Milk, Better to be one that is a fencesitter than a being driven by malice. But, I should elaborate, it is better to be a fencesitter, but never confuse "better" with best.
The best is to be a good person. Or at least pursue it with every fiber of your being.
But I think Paul says works without faith is dead
"There is non good but the Father" ~ Jesus Christ
If you have faith, you will act. They go hand in hand.
When I mean "good", I mean acting in a manner closest to Christ that you can manage. It will always, of course, pale in comparison, that I don't dispute.
Hey so if I'm correct 777 equals heaven 111 equals the holy trinity and 666 equals hell or the devil
You seeing what I'm seeing?
*Btw, for those wondering, that is Matthew 19:17*
I believe it isn’t 666 but 600, 60, and 6
Yeah, I understand, I was just wanting to clarify so no confusion happens
I can't do Christlike acts and think I did it on my own now can i? Christian doctrine states that all good comes from God and he shines out of us. It's similar to thinking that a mirror reflecting sunlight has its own separate illuminance, separate from the sun.
*this little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine*
Even so
Only through Him can good be a tangible, true thing. Otherwise, it's simply social conditioning spawned by a bunch of nameless Bronze Age Semitic goat herders.
Haha goat
God is GOAT!!!!!!!!
Deus GOAT!!!!!!
That is why our works come after our salvation.
We do good works as a result of being saved, not to get saved. Too many these days don't realize that
We do good works out of a love for who our god is.
If we did it to "be saved", it kills the purpose of the crucifixion.
If we had to ",buy our way into heaven", why on Earth did Christ die for us? Why have a friend pay your debt out of his love for you, than promptly pay it yourself when you have the "money", or "enough good deeds under your belt".
The buying into heaven part was a big reason why I was guarded around Catholic doctrine. Along with the reverence of Mary and the Saints. After several years, I've come to understand the Mary and Saints part better, where I don't see it as idolatrous.
Sadly, I think some well-meaning Christians mistake "carnal" for romantic love. Love in the marriage bed is never carnal. Rutting like an animal in heat, on the other hand,is.
Who is that?
Charles Spurgeon?
Watchman nee
On one of my previous messages, I used the analogy of Christ being a friend paying off a debt. I used that particular analogy because it was the first to come to mind. In actuality, the dynamic between Christ and man was never described in the context of a "friendship". For the relationship with God he is described as our "Father", and us His "Sons". The relationship between us and Christ, is described as that of a groom and bride. I'd wondered for quite some time why that was the case. It wasn't until I read CS Lewis's works called "The 4 Loves" that it made sense.
Love for your spouse is healthy part of a marriage, but our sin corrupts and perverts everything. That’s why most men struggle with pornography
In CS Lewis's work, he describes the four different words for love in the Greek language. The first being Storge, family,... Philia, or friendship... Eros, or the love between partners... And Agape, or God's love for Man. Love itself.
666 is the mark of the beast
He described philia as the most spiritual of loves. So, when philia corrupts, it corrupts the most spiritually
Once you take it you lose your salvation
I'm probably not describing it well enough. I'd recommend looking up on YouTube "C.S Lewis Doodle". It has many of his works in an audio format. They helped me get through a very dark chapter in my life.
The Bible says that nobody will be able to buy or sell without the mark. I’ve also heard that some airlines won’t allow people on the planes unless they can prove they got that corona vaccine. I don’t know if that means anything but, who knows...
Yea that's why I'm avoiding the corona vaccine
Yeah, I don’t trust vaccine either, even if it comes under trump.
Yea also before for covid corna means Sign of the horns