Message from @ATOMOS1
Discord ID: 753059343083110501
The real question is does it have the ability to back up your boat into the water or back you up to a trailer.
It probably will, Tesla likes to load their vehicles up with technology
Its kinda a must because the new F150 has it
Gonna be honest, I didn't know that
For being a gearhead, I don't pay much attention to the new stuff
Anyways Bat, that's just my .02 on the cybertruck
I think it's gonna achieve commercial success but I think it'll take a while before it gets adopted beyond cities or suburban areas
That’s called two foot braking. It’s a cornering technique. It’s mostly used by FF drivers who are former cart racers. The idea is that most of the time you brake before cornering and coast through the turn unit it’s time to step on the gas. By being on the gas while still being in the corner it can have a weight transfer that favors FF vehicles and as soon as the brake is released it will have better acceleration out of the corner.
Also used by the elderly. I dare say used MORE by the elderly
I personally heel and toe for this technique.
I have a good foot so I can tilt my toes on the brake and have my heel over the gas pedal.
Hence... the elderly comment 👆
The thing is I have a automatic transmission so I don’t really have any need to do this in day to day driving with a time capsule.
I just rock my foot back and forth on the heel seamlessly sliding from pushing one pedal to the other...
Still gotta be gentle with the automatic.
If I wasn't a corvette guy, I'd have bought a chevelle
You can get whatever you want, if you're willing to work hard enough to get it
Yea that was the point before my injury
Got a herniated disc and I had to stop detailing cars in my small business as a result of it.
After a truck I was gonna work to get a chevelle.
@ATOMOS1 You can do it, I know you can. A very good friend of mine has back issues, like you, and he just bought a car that's been his dream car since he was a kid
Nah I’ll just wait for democratic socialism and see if they dole them out for free
Lol jk yea I’ve been getting a bit better hopefully it’s not the injections talking
Have you seen honitrucks?
That’s another dream car right there not much of a racer but the looks are sexy
Honestly I don't pay attention to much other than classics
It is a classic thing is it’s modified
Restomods are cool
I'm going to restomod my corvette
Hooni is that type of design because there are hoonicars too
Is that like a design?
Idk what that is
Not sure