Message from @TRLGuy
Discord ID: 749297232561569833
Real Pocahontas?
Nice 👍
Yeah, the real one
All we need now is definitive proof so I can rub it in Elizabeth Warren’s face
Tell Elizabeth Warren she ain't native like how Camel Toe ain't black!
@gggghhhheeee is that stone wall jackson?
@TRLGuy yes my family is proud to have him in it
@gggghhhheeee 4th cousin ,yeah right. (because you changed your comment , I mean that find impossible for you to be relatives)
because my initial reaction was . What ?! no... that's impossible
I realized that myself and think I misheard my grandpa
He told me this years ago
There were four teams, and they asked us to make a flag and team name. It’s a concept for the ‘mascot’
Of course, my team wanted to do a Chick-fil-A theme for their team name and flag, so my idea didn’t make it
Shame that it didn’t make it, but it’s pretty cool
To be honest, I kinda liked the Chick-fil-A one better after a few days
Since our team color was gold, we made a chant that went “gold and crispy, gold gold and crispy nuggets”
hah thats fun
Unfortunately, our team came in second place
We lost by only one thousand points, which isn’t that much
Well second place it still great! Personally, 2 is my favorite number so
very mona lisa
Black pussy
Freelanced Tankcar *boye*