Message from @Icarus Aresane
Discord ID: 750769921905918083
I like unique brainlets
Alright, just give him BLM stuff and it should be good
I need to get better at making my brainlets, usually I just edit their head shapes
I got to make some more unique ones
whats a brainlet
@Emnesty🌿🌺 love the paintings(?)
Yeah, the paintings and the Trump sketch are really great
Love to see a fellow person who doesn’t name layers :))
I finished a commission, the file size is big so I had to crop.
Damn bro that’s awesome, I wish I was that good
Glad you like her
@Icarus Aresane Would you say she’s drop dead gorgeous? 😇
Very nice!
@E Rob I don't name layers because my pen tablet has line selector, I just hover and press R and I'm on that layer
it's way faster and naming layers is for chumps who like to waste time: I'd rather be drawing than writing XD
Sounds like a nice tool! I just don’t name mine cause I’m lazy and yeah, I’d rather be drawing than writing XD
Oooo man! Still can’t get over how well done all of your stuff is
thanks Rob, I'm glad you dig it, mate 🙂
I like playing with line weights and sizes
You do it well dude
Thanks, I'm glad when people dig it
One of the best feelings is when someone likes your art, amiright
sure, it's the reward: I went into the artistic profession to please the public
i don't do it for me really