Message from @Yukon
Discord ID: 784852614730874931
A normal type eeveelution
Ooh 😍
The finished product of my model of my Laundry room
@Swizzle now that's cool
tysm ^^
Long dong the still life.
@Meatball if that's a hunting stand, I'm jealous. That's like a LA mansion from most hunting stands 😂
@Yukon it is. Lol.
My brother, nephew and I built it out of scrap from his side jobs, except the deck, we bought that lumber ourselves. He actually has a good bit more tin we'll be using when we make a few more to scatter around the place. It's fully insulated and sealed, aside from the sliding windows, so in summer it can become an oven, but if there's a breeze all ya gotta do is open the windows. If there's no breeze..... we have that covered too! 😁 we got a couple fans you can plug into a USB charger, so just take your portable phone charging pack with ya. Also have a propane heater for the winter, it'll make ya strip out your heavy stuff in minutes
Dang, so on the deer lease I went with my dad and a friend, we joked that the best stand needed a TV in it. Yours is quite literally in that scenario
haha it would be cool if you added solar panels up top
anyway that's so dope!
We're planning on adding an elevator this year so my pops can get up there easier. Shouldn't be too difficult, just gotta rig a few pulleys with a winch, power it with a solar panel
Well, next year rather
After this season is over
Ah gotcha was about to ask lol
We recently installed a table that folds up under the windows facing into the field, so u have a place to put ur water, snacks, Wi-Fi, tablet, etc
haha WiFi will be dope
you can get STARLINK
and put the dish on the roof
also LED strip lights around the inside for RGB party lol
sorry I love slapping on technology
Lol no lights, I've heard it scares the deer. I won't even use my phone at dusk
@Meatball what the Ft^2 of that?
@Boomer60 really nice job on the table! Do lights scare deer? Cause a freind of ours used bright spotlights instead of a thermal scope for deer hunting
Spotlighting is illegal where I'm from. It causes the deer to freeze, unsportsmanlike
But yeh deer can see different spectrums than we can, and apparently they can see unnatural light much better, and it'll spook them
It's actually illegal to kill deer 30 minutes after sunset or 30 minutes before sunrise in my area
@KungFlu BatSoup sq ft of what? The ramp or the box?
The box
The ramp had to be at 1" drop per foot to meet ADA standards
Oh so your selling them?
It's 4x8 interior and 4x8 exterior deck, I'm not the carpenter just the laborer so idk how to figure it up but would ya just 8x8 it? 64 sq ft?
Building the boxes for ourselves, but we do side jobs building decks, ramps, bridges etc
When you said you were meeting ADA standards I thought it was because you were selling them