Message from @KumquatLord
Discord ID: 739587298986950716
Nm suggestions for names for the chickens
The cheapers are all good and healthy, we’ve gotten really good at raising chicks and havent lost one in a while. I’ve got a batch of 39 eggs in the incubator
Shit. I lose around half every time.
Predators, get stuck somewhere, too cold at night (don't stay close to mum)
Ahh, an absolute classic
good voice
Its Big Derf’s birthday. He got a bacon cheese burger cake. Spoiled rotten
That’s pretty cool
Snake with a fish. Cool catch Smokie!
Still a wild animal and apex predator regardless, still cool
yeah im not saying go get a pet croc
NGL it's actually kinda cute
Good croc
That's what cuban crocs are known for is galloping on land. Upwards of 14mph. They are the most terrestrial crocodile species
I may be several feet above the water though it is cool and unsettling seeing two hammerheads feeding.