Message from @DarkbeatK
Discord ID: 761254401188823070
It happens. Nature isn't kind most of the time.
Every one of my housecats is a defective farm cat.
i take it you really love cats lol
I love all animals, really. But the original farm cats came with the property.
how many do you have total
And I hate seeing otherwise fine animals suffer and die because no one wants them.
Currently? Oh, man....
Four momma cats, sixteen kittens, seven adult defectives indoors...
And I thiiiiiink about thirty farm cats on six acres.
oh my gosh
you are absolutely crazy lol
how do you afford cat food for them all
Some folks dropped ten young cats on us last year; half were female, and started popping off kittens before I could get them fixed.
The outdoors ones get fed twice a day, then hunt for food.
There's rabbits, mice, rats, ground squirrels, and pheasants running all over.
well thats nice
The good hunters are fat.
at least you know youve got the pests taken care of lol
ill bet
Successful is an understatement
He has hunted for over 40 years and this is his largest Elk by far.
The 3rd thing I thought of was "Oh shit, I gotta lift this thing up on the wall in a few months don't I?" 😅
Fiance sent me this lol
It his is sisters doggo
Cute pupper
very cute pupper
The Alpaca 49 tactical llama.
Swirl. He's a handsome boy, but as wimpy a tomcat as you'll ever see.
i love his name
it fits him