Message from @isoboto

Discord ID: 792809387721883648

2020-12-27 17:31:11 UTC  

Its a big mess of paper work to do it

2020-12-27 17:31:55 UTC  

bureaucracy, huh

2020-12-27 17:32:04 UTC  

My speech therapist recommended me for it

2020-12-27 17:33:08 UTC  

I probably could have got in because I hurried through the test because we were taken by a big test in class that I didn't want to miss. I would have took my time but the women wouldn't tell me what the test was for.

2020-12-27 17:33:27 UTC  

when i was in 5th grade all the schools switched to common core or whatever and the teachers tried to force everybody to show their work but most of the students didn't and we all failed the first quarter

2020-12-27 17:33:47 UTC  

we didn't have to show our work after that

2020-12-27 17:33:53 UTC  

๐Ÿ˜ฌ that's weird

2020-12-27 17:34:09 UTC  

but if its just you who is not showing work idk how to help

2020-12-27 17:34:32 UTC  

i thought it's automatic lol. back in vietnam, we were taught to show our works back in grade 1. it's up to high school that we can start having shortcuts

2020-12-27 17:35:36 UTC  

yeah i was in some gifted class and we did almost every thing in our head and then we were told to write down our thought process and most of us, me included, didn't know how to do that

2020-12-27 17:36:19 UTC  

my school prior to common core pushed math facts really hard and i had everything up to like hundreds memorized

2020-12-27 17:37:20 UTC  

I haven't had a problem in middle school with showing work because for all three years I have been in advanced classes so the teacher doesn't make us show work but in elementary they didn't have advanced classes.

2020-12-27 17:40:08 UTC  

what i do now is just writing numbers down related to the problem

2020-12-27 17:40:12 UTC  

Right now I'm just having trouble in ELA. I have a 95 percent right now so I'm kinda close to having a B. I have all As and Bs on tests and essays this 9 weeks but wee do this thing called I-Ready and you need to take tests but it's stupid cause they don't really explain it to you and I have been making Fs in the test part because you get a grade for time down and test score. However last week I tested into the high school program and it is a lot better than the 8th grade one.

2020-12-27 17:40:22 UTC  

but i know my teacher really well and hes chill

2020-12-27 17:40:25 UTC  

yup. that is a life saver trick

2020-12-27 17:40:55 UTC  

you have 95% and you're close to a B? ๐Ÿ˜‚ that's nuts

2020-12-27 17:41:05 UTC  

dang and i thought an 80 was good

2020-12-27 17:41:08 UTC  

92 is a b

2020-12-27 17:41:25 UTC  

oh your on a different scale

2020-12-27 17:41:27 UTC  

holy shit. that's tough ๐Ÿ˜‚

2020-12-27 17:41:54 UTC  

Did you get the result of the high school program test?

2020-12-27 17:42:42 UTC  

They don't give you an exact score I just know I don't have to do I-Ready anymore because I tested into the high school one.

2020-12-27 17:43:33 UTC  

well that sounds like it will be better for you so congratulations

2020-12-27 21:41:08 UTC  


2020-12-27 23:08:44 UTC  

Lol I always lose Mark's for some error in my math but gets the right answer usually

2020-12-27 23:09:13 UTC  

like writing the fraction wrong which I should have thought of but overlooked it lmao

2020-12-27 23:10:34 UTC  

same. it's tough especially when you did all the steps correctly and then got the final answer wrong because it's dumb mistake earlier lol

2020-12-27 23:11:20 UTC  

this one time I screwed up completing the square. Idk how I even got the right answer

2020-12-28 01:50:53 UTC  

There is a gifted program at my school. You need to take 3 tests and you have to get a certain score for each test to get in. I took it in 5th grade and I passed 2 but was a couple percent off of the last one. Took it again in 7th and nearly the same outcome except a little worse.

2020-12-28 01:51:19 UTC  

Iโ€™m doing quite alright for where I am now but stressed for HS

2020-12-28 01:52:28 UTC  

don't worry. high school will be a breeze. from my personal experience, grade 9 was the best year with the lowest pressure.

2020-12-28 01:52:58 UTC  


2020-12-28 01:53:41 UTC  

Do you know where youโ€™re going for college?

2020-12-28 01:58:13 UTC  
2020-12-28 01:58:54 UTC  

i'm in my first year. you're going to HS next year, right?

2020-12-28 02:01:14 UTC  


2020-12-28 02:03:08 UTC  

good luck. should be easy ๐Ÿ‘ don't worry too much about it.

2020-12-28 02:03:42 UTC  

My brother has done a good job of making me stressed. He's just mad that I'm smarter lol.

2020-12-28 02:06:07 UTC  

lol, don't be too pressured. it's important and study for it, but don't feel like you have to be better than him lmao

2020-12-28 02:07:06 UTC  

He's always trying to one up me even though heโ€™s es older and gets whatever he wants.