Message from @Meryl.140.15

Discord ID: 751324417375600671

2020-09-03 21:40:43 UTC  

The only person that will benefit is weiner, sb145 is nothing new or groundbreaking (as weiner packages it to be), the age band has always been in the current laws there... it's just an update to the old laws. Now with sb145, discresion is also in the hands of the judge to decide --for what we call "unconventional sex with minors"-- to put the perp in the sex offender register. Weiner is just being a politician and pandering.
I don't think that anyone is saying or implying that sexual activity with a minor is okay and should be allowed; no one is arguing for the decriminalization of sexual abuse.

2020-09-03 22:12:11 UTC  

seems like the politicians are

2020-09-03 22:40:55 UTC  

It's sensationalism for wiener (for more clout). The age difference (ten years), in and of itself is a problem and it's being used as a smoke screen to how young these behaviors are tollerated there. Their current law is geared more towards heterosexuals, and also starts at 14-17 y.o too, and the provisions are only for regular sex that can lead to pregnancy (penile vaginal). Sb145 seems to be geared for homosexuals that have "irregular" sex (penile anal, digit anal, oral whatever, who knows what else, etc...). It seems two wrongs (age and definition of consent) do make a right in cali. Go figure 🤷‍♀️

2020-09-03 23:35:15 UTC  

I think that wiener just repackaged the old laws in effect in cali to pander to his base (the lgbt+ community). He didn't stay up writing this garbage bill.

2020-09-04 00:05:58 UTC  

So glad i left the lgbt community

2020-09-04 00:06:13 UTC  

The left is a fucking cult

2020-09-04 00:14:04 UTC  

Yeah it's easy to throw that out of proportion and Weiner is a terrible guy. He passed a bill a few years ago that decriminalized the intentional spread of HIV virus from people that know they're infected to others. So, people don't have to reveal to their partner that they have HIV.

2020-09-04 00:14:59 UTC  

His argument is that we've moved forward as a culture and so has medicine... And let's not get into the controversial HIV medication.

2020-09-04 00:16:16 UTC  

SB-145 is not what it seems, though. It had a Susan B Anthony effect during the amendment process so i'm totally fine with that. No more of these weird non-binary demi people trying to get away with pedophile because of how laws are written.

2020-09-04 00:17:06 UTC  

I'm surpised the Weiner wasn't trying to take credit for that. But that would give him a bad rep with the weird identity politics people.

2020-09-04 02:52:40 UTC  

there's a GoFundMe for the Sophie child abuse and rape case,

2020-09-04 02:57:04 UTC  

What are the updates on the case to stand with Sophie?

2020-09-04 02:59:15 UTC  

as far as i know, the police are doing nothing and barely investigating it

2020-09-04 03:01:42 UTC  

So, she has doctor reports that are proving this...

2020-09-04 03:03:56 UTC  

the courts and the police know what is happening, but they are doing nothing about it and siding with the mother

2020-09-04 03:04:36 UTC  

Everything sounds upside down.

2020-09-04 03:05:07 UTC  

if i had the ability to, id go up to that courthouse and do a mass protest and block anyone from entering and leaving the building

2020-09-04 03:34:10 UTC  

should contact the doj on this

2020-09-04 03:35:03 UTC  

pedophile criminal behavior investigations and arrests put this 'family' court shut down

2020-09-04 06:14:27 UTC  

says the kids aren't in the home but the state is lookin to put them back in the home

2020-09-04 06:15:00 UTC  

i hate these things, makes me sick. physically ill

2020-09-04 06:19:40 UTC  

we can see where the mother got her shitty parenting from though

2020-09-04 06:19:53 UTC  

i'm assuming the grandma is the moms mom and not the dads mom

2020-09-04 06:20:19 UTC  

i wouldn't be surprised if the grandma let things happen to the mom when she was little and the cycle repeats

2020-09-04 06:22:52 UTC  

well i suspect alot of criminal charges will be placed shortly if not eventually upon the mother, her bf and mother's mom...provided somebody contacts the federal doj about it

2020-09-04 06:23:47 UTC  

even tho it's a family court situation currently, it seriously sounds like severe criminal cases need to be charged against them

2020-09-04 06:24:09 UTC  

against the mom and bf, not sure what the grandma did to get criminal charges

2020-09-04 06:25:34 UTC  

physical abuse

2020-09-04 06:26:21 UTC  

i missed that part

2020-09-04 06:26:59 UTC  

she was aggressively trying to remove the child from the van

2020-09-04 06:27:13 UTC  

just like the mother was

2020-09-04 06:27:20 UTC  

well hopefully the prosecutor and judge don't have kid diddling secrets of their own that suedes their judgement

2020-09-04 06:28:20 UTC  

well custody hearings go out the window once the mother and bf get charged for criminal pedo shit

2020-09-04 06:29:12 UTC  

and i'm sure the judge will face some backlash from doj at least for not reporting it

2020-09-04 13:37:00 UTC  


2020-09-04 13:50:34 UTC  

Just so you guys know, the family court is moving to sieze that go fund me and apply it to the mother's legal defense fees. Which sounds crazy till you know that the mother's attorney and the judge are friends.

2020-09-04 13:51:41 UTC  

actually that would be a crime of embezzlement

2020-09-04 13:51:52 UTC  

if they did that...which is federal

2020-09-04 13:53:01 UTC  

the divorce was already settled, this is currently a custody hearing for the child and or children

2020-09-04 13:54:54 UTC  

which means if the judge seizes it for mother's legal fees therefore paying off the judge's friend the mom's attorney, it becomes federal case because judge seized assets illegally and makes the mom's attorney liable as well