Message from @1776

Discord ID: 794565791185764362

2020-12-31 06:43:56 UTC  

It makes me unbelievably angry to see anyone defend the government or police or Muslims over this

2020-12-31 06:45:33 UTC  

They're calling it "asian" rape gangs... lumping in japanese, koreans, indian along with them. In the name of political correctness towards a protected class.

2020-12-31 06:46:51 UTC  

I see it. And yet the abusers clearly announce to the public that it's because these "white girls are trash" or that the victims were "sluts and whores" or that "they deserve it"

2020-12-31 06:48:45 UTC

2020-12-31 07:30:52 UTC  


2020-12-31 07:56:35 UTC  

Big floppa exposed

2020-12-31 15:14:11 UTC  


2020-12-31 15:14:14 UTC  

mmm doubt it

2020-12-31 16:11:38 UTC  

Oh a Russian bottle, totally American Pedos<:Dude:726878886411108474>

2020-12-31 18:06:47 UTC  


2020-12-31 18:07:04 UTC  

You werent supposed to see that

2020-12-31 18:07:14 UTC  


2020-12-31 19:02:36 UTC  

Epstein is alive? He'd better make a show for it then

2020-12-31 19:09:51 UTC  

Nah this is BS
Lin Wood is a democrat
HE wasnt crazy before election
Probably against trump ngl

2020-12-31 21:33:56 UTC  


2020-12-31 21:34:26 UTC  

I've never seen a picture of Jeffy dead, but he's got to have something really convincing to prove it

2020-12-31 21:55:54 UTC  

Not wrong

2021-01-01 14:00:46 UTC  

Deblasio's wife wearing a pedophile mask

2021-01-01 14:01:38 UTC  

wife?....looks like a child is wearing it

2021-01-01 14:03:48 UTC

2021-01-01 14:04:30 UTC

2021-01-01 14:06:08 UTC

2021-01-01 14:06:16 UTC  

is it me or has she been getting whiter over time

2021-01-01 16:13:50 UTC  

can we just one tap all these pedo's ffs

2021-01-01 19:23:35 UTC  

I feel like the spiral triangle was a thing before pedo’s started using it

2021-01-01 19:23:42 UTC  

It’s a pretty basic design

2021-01-01 19:24:01 UTC  

I just I don’t think that every time it’s used, I don’t think it necessarily means that person is it pedo 

2021-01-01 19:48:39 UTC  

swastika was also a design before hitter used it, but you don't see it casually worn today

2021-01-01 20:16:33 UTC  

Well that’s different. And I wouldn’t say the swastika was a common design found on clothing and stuff very often before 1930’s

2021-01-01 21:44:45 UTC  


2021-01-02 01:58:21 UTC  

Exactly how main stream is this design, because I think if people like a design they aren’t necessarily going to research it unless the design is pretty well known to mean one specific thing (even if it means more than just that one thing) and that one thing is negative.

2021-01-04 01:20:25 UTC  

Yes it was, it was all over Native American clothing and textiles

2021-01-04 02:55:46 UTC  

Just plain disgusting

2021-01-04 02:57:13 UTC  

Why is an adult in locker rooms with children?

2021-01-04 03:00:16 UTC  

Because people who strive to be politically correct are idiots and don't think about how their actions have consequences in the future.

2021-01-04 03:01:13 UTC  

It just feels like a fucking excuse

2021-01-04 03:01:25 UTC  

But is it a school locker?