Message from @Dr Badass PhD

Discord ID: 754843140480958464

2020-09-13 21:11:21 UTC  

"Minimal" casualties is a win? Not none?

2020-09-13 21:11:54 UTC  

These are the fuckwits who lectured us on how "all buildings matter" on the anniversary of 9/11?

2020-09-13 22:14:43 UTC  

Well the predictions stated some 2 million would die from covid so yeah 180k is a win.

2020-09-13 22:18:59 UTC  

> Well the predictions stated some 2 million would die from covid so yeah 180k is a win.
@AtticusDutch I was referring to KumquatLord’s linked Tweet, not COVID 🤦‍♂️

2020-09-13 22:21:05 UTC  

My point is that it makes you look like a hypocrite

2020-09-13 22:26:52 UTC  

2020-09-13 22:27:01 UTC  

Most of that 190K isn't even from the sweet and sour sniffles sooo...

2020-09-13 22:28:07 UTC  

I’m a hypocrite for condemning commies for praising the “minimal” casualties their burning a building caused (meaning it didn’t cause zero, because otherwise they’d say “zero”), because fewer people died from COVID than expected?

2020-09-13 22:28:58 UTC  


2020-09-13 22:29:19 UTC  

Because that makes so much sense.

2020-09-13 22:31:24 UTC  

I want to grow as a person if I am, in fact, guilty of some hypocrisy or doublethink, but I’m feeling like I must be some kind of brainlet and not even realize it by trying to figure out how these two things are even connected in a way that could possibly paint me as a hypocrite.

2020-09-13 22:32:19 UTC  

At least with the leftist comic where some guy says “I’d like gay people more if they didn’t make it their entire personality!” and then cut to this truck being covered in MAGA stuff, I see the point that is being attempted to be made.

2020-09-13 22:43:35 UTC  

me personally, i wouldn't care less if u were my neighbor, @mathgrant just don't get all furry near my dog...he just loves to attack ppl dressed up like animals for some odd reason..he nearly jumped the fence yrs ago to attack the guy dressed up as elmo going to a kids party

2020-09-13 22:45:02 UTC  

> me personally, i wouldn't care less if u were my neighbor, @mathgrant just don't get all furry near my dog...he just loves to attack ppl dressed up like animals for some odd reason..he nearly jumped the fence yrs ago to attack the guy dressed up as elmo going to a kids party
@Deleted User That’s a bit off-topic, but... thanks? 😅

2020-09-13 22:45:50 UTC  

I’ll be sure not to wear my ugly costume that nobody on this server likes if I ever visit your dog XP

2020-09-13 23:11:28 UTC

2020-09-13 23:14:57 UTC  

WTF are “people of color people”? Do they have the HIV virus?

2020-09-13 23:15:54 UTC  

I thought everyone was a "POC" in a way. Guess that makes me a racist white supremacist.

2020-09-13 23:15:57 UTC  

I’ll be sure to go to an ATM machine and enter my PIN number to withdraw all my money so I can pay reparations if I run into a POC person.

2020-09-13 23:16:52 UTC  

What's so funny about that is that every group of people in human history have been enslaved at some point or another.

2020-09-13 23:17:08 UTC  

Yet only some bitch and whine about it.

2020-09-13 23:19:08 UTC  

These people are pieces of POS.

2020-09-13 23:20:51 UTC  

They're pathetic.

2020-09-13 23:38:41 UTC  

“NoOo, wErE eMpEtHeTiC! REeEeEeEeE!

2020-09-13 23:38:47 UTC

2020-09-13 23:40:09 UTC  

If it weren't for double standards they'd have no standards at all.

2020-09-13 23:40:09 UTC  

The only time I burn a flag is when I am properly retiring said flag after its many years of service.

2020-09-13 23:52:51 UTC  

oddly enough, pride is one of the 7 deadly sins

2020-09-13 23:53:35 UTC  

A lot of them don’t believe in God. Ergo, they don’t believe in sin.

2020-09-13 23:56:44 UTC  

thru understanding of the 7 deadly sins do they reach understanding of what they really desire ...and it's none of them thru their agenda which has been twisted against them

2020-09-13 23:57:31 UTC  

Those who sin often do not see their actions as sinful

2020-09-13 23:57:53 UTC  

And thus are unable to repent

2020-09-13 23:57:57 UTC  

The wicked often find it hard to understand the truth.

2020-09-13 23:59:36 UTC  

And there is only one place for a person of sin unable to repent goes to, the feiry dephs of hell to face eternal damnation

2020-09-14 00:03:38 UTC  

We might believe some different things. Personally, I think no matter how far down the wrong road you go, God’s grace will always be there to help you back on the right path. It is whether we choose to use his grace, or not, that might determine where we go.

2020-09-14 00:37:15 UTC  

the bitter truth of their own sins gets revealed only after they commit to the acts of the sins upon themselves as it complicates their lives eventually to the point where it's too late to repent

2020-09-14 00:38:08 UTC  

thus, only time a fool learns they're a fool is when they realize the reality that they're acting foolishly against their own better interests

2020-09-14 00:39:57 UTC  

which is why it's better to learn these bitter lessons early on in life when ur in the care of others than wait til u have to deal with care of yourselves to act foolishly when u should be using reason

2020-09-14 00:46:13 UTC  

i learned after i acted foolishly on my own that my own older bros protected me from an event during my childhood that i coulda learned from if they didn't protect me at the time....sometimes ppl need to learn before returning to a safe haven so they can use those lessons learned later in life when they don't have access to that safe haven.

2020-09-14 00:47:10 UTC  

i told my bros they shouldn't have protected me from that incident, they shoulda let me learn from it

2020-09-14 01:41:57 UTC