Message from @meriingue ❄
Discord ID: 769236250712342558
> I just think Larson is a condescending bitch, that's why I don't like her
@KumquatLord that, and the movie was just really bland and uninteresting.
Nah, he still dominated.
Trump didn't need to dominate...he just had to let joe talk (make himself look bad). *"Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake."*
well then she better pack her bags since aoc will not be president 😌
Why yall on servers like this
Who thinks that most of the people in that chat aren't old enough to vote
none of them in the chat are old enough to vote
I don't give a fuck about being nice to lefties so I'd say "Wait to pay your first taxes, sweetie, and let's see if you're so confident in the economic policies you don't understand then. 😘 ❤️ 💅"
I identify as CCP
Imagine being stupid
Those are literally 12 year olds or something
"We hate ICE right?" *Checks notes "Yes! Yes we do hate ICE!"
@meriingue ❄ those may fit better in <#762720224268910632>
How horrendous "love your nation", scandalous I tell you
Just like my neighbour's who got harassed by some lefties for having a German flag in their garden xD
I don't get people who hate national pride...Its normal to love and support your country imo
Oh no, they're turning into loving housewives!!!! <:ScreamingLiberal:720120350947541065> <:ScreamingLiberal:720120350947541065>
Oh the
still better than joe