Message from @bigalexgaming

Discord ID: 763451385093947403

2020-10-07 14:25:05 UTC  

I agree, honestly constantly bringing up the color of someone's skin is a useless argument. It's like trying to have an academic conversation and someone keeps yelling "but this shirt! this shirt is red! they are wearing a red shirt! why don't you talk about how red their shirt is!" like somehow the color is supposed to influence any argument ever. There is no way to end racism if they keep talking about it and expecting or insisting that it change the course of a conversation or action.

2020-10-07 14:30:21 UTC  

Moreover, people seem to bring up being a minority now like somehow they should be treated different? Coddled? I don't get it. Race is interesting in only 1 way, that it creates genetic diversity; people don't look exactly the same, sometimes they are more or less prone to diseases based on genetics. That's basically it, we have passed the novelty age of discovering this fact, it's been done.

2020-10-07 14:56:18 UTC  

my class did a thing about "colorblind racism" and the usage of the "n-word", like if only black people should use it and that kind of thing, and at the end of the lesson I asked about how if you have a word that only some people can use, doesn't that just cause more division instead of unity (supposedly what they're trying to get) and my teacher couldn't really answer my question, opened it up to the class and said something about power dynamics

2020-10-07 16:04:52 UTC  

anyone heard about the teacher that banned the 10 year old because he said he admired trump

2020-10-07 16:07:36 UTC  

>10 year old
>6th grader

2020-10-07 17:03:31 UTC  

> So it has come to this...
@ErrantBelle yes, political cat fights

2020-10-07 17:04:03 UTC  

why dont these women go to jail

2020-10-07 17:04:10 UTC  


2020-10-07 17:11:51 UTC  

imagine if the debate was these two ladies lmao

2020-10-07 17:12:52 UTC  

Good lord I'd've run them all over

2020-10-07 17:13:01 UTC  

I don't have that type of patience

2020-10-07 17:13:04 UTC  

The person in the car reminds me of a rabid dog

2020-10-07 17:13:47 UTC  

Good to say since she's in her moving cage

2020-10-07 17:14:36 UTC  

She was literally wiping away spit when she said "DuRInG a PAndEMiC!!!"

2020-10-07 17:18:10 UTC  

Once upon a time, I was playing roblox and joined a furry hangout game. before joining i decided to see what would happen if i wore a Trump shirt. I was interested to see how the mods there would take it, if they would ban me or let me hang out like the rest of the players.

2020-10-07 17:19:01 UTC  

So I joined the game and started to talk to some of the people there. Mostly about general stuff, but a few times we would talk about politics. It went well, mostly, and no one freaked out very much.

2020-10-07 17:19:01 UTC  

What may not get is subliminally creating fear among younger generation makes them easier too control. It happen too me when I was young boy and they used fear too control me never work so they used forced against me still didn’t work they ended up just leaving me alone cause I won’t let fear in my mind

2020-10-07 17:20:03 UTC  

I was talking to a few of the players there when one of the in-game mods materialized behind me. She instantly noticed my shirt and went on a rampage telling me to take it off and put something else on.

2020-10-07 17:21:10 UTC  

I refused and told her that it wasnt against the rules to wear a political shirt, and that the rules even said "be yourself. We are tolerant of everyone."

2020-10-07 17:23:14 UTC  

She got mad and kicked me from the server. I was pretty annoyed, so i joined back in and talked to another mod to see if i could resolve it. Mod 2 was much more moderate and was willing to let me stay as long as i wasnt being rude or anything. Mod 2 told Mod 1 that she wasnt allowed to kick me for wearing my shirt.

2020-10-07 17:23:56 UTC  

Mod 1 was furious, and begrudgingly said "ok". She went back to what she was doing.

2020-10-07 17:25:30 UTC  

I can’t say I’ve had east life cause the chooses k made when I was young , but I don’t regret , if anything I’m far ahead of my expectations of myself very happy with me. That’s what matters most. How you visualize yourself at the end of it all

2020-10-07 17:25:53 UTC  


2020-10-07 17:26:17 UTC  

I joined the server later and had a similar thing happen to me, but the mod who had defended me before wasnt there. They kicked me again, and so i went on their discord and asked if they could stop kicking me for wearing my shirt. I told them there wasnt anything in the rules that would bar me from wearing my shirt, but they still kicked me again for "arguing with mods"

2020-10-07 17:32:27 UTC  

What hear and read is the are conditioning young generations in how they want them react. No idea why but all younger generations do have of colour showing skin they will follow suit and think it’s how they are spouse too react too other students that are not as coloured. It’s what I see

2020-10-07 17:32:39 UTC  

@bigalexgaming Not a furry but that is nice pfp

2020-10-07 17:34:38 UTC  

thanks, man

2020-10-07 17:41:03 UTC  

Happy Wodens day everyone

2020-10-07 17:51:35 UTC  

I like Kyle I believe did very good thing that lead too more better things

2020-10-07 17:52:20 UTC

2020-10-07 17:52:24 UTC  

LOL OMG YT lefties are going full blown insane today Trump Has Lost It, Like Even For Him
17,978 watching now
•Started streaming 57 minutes ago

2020-10-07 18:26:54 UTC  

bruh i hate damage report

2020-10-07 18:27:05 UTC  

he gets out of context thumbnails n shit and exaggerates it

2020-10-07 18:57:17 UTC  

Yea watched alittle bit of it, doesn’t seam too me he enjoy left propaganda and left

2020-10-07 18:57:33 UTC  

I left

2020-10-07 18:58:00 UTC  

Do seams too me he enjoys the left propaganda and I left

2020-10-07 18:58:23 UTC  

Words aren’t coming out greatest today lol

2020-10-07 20:09:49 UTC  

My YouTube news list right here all facts.

2020-10-07 20:09:50 UTC

2020-10-07 20:34:26 UTC  

n i c e