Message from @xd_gangster69
Discord ID: 770174496765902849
As a person that comes from ex-communist country where my family lost big chunk of land.. this just pisses me off.
dang that must of hit hard
hopefully it does not happen right here
It's old times but my grandma always had stories about it (: it was cool.
Yeah, good luck with the elections.
I made a Xbox looking for group post that said trump 2020 and someone joined and said “do you actually support Trump?” And when I said yes they started breathing heavily and sounded like they had a panic attack
My sister thinks that the 20 million should be distributed
Im about to go ballistic
Alright just finished making the "wake up republicans" woman my alarm clock. See yall tomorrow
Good to know Phil
I love you more than I already did
> It's definitely sad to see a favorite youtuber suffer from TDS.
@Rocci we have de same here in Brazil. It is BDS, Bolsonaro derangement syndrome
Haha.. nice.
Biden victory would be very bad to us as well
give me a reason, a statement without an argument is not a reason, I'm simply looking for some friendly debate
Isn't it because of where people sat in a courtroom back then. Left or right to their king or so?
> Isn't it because of where people sat in a courtroom back then. Left or right to their king or so?
@Toilet Hugger correct; it was during the french revolution,
altought im not sure witch political side set at what side; 1 party was in favor, and the other was not.
It was the first time in political sience that people spoke of a "left right devide"
it's still used to this day
@Meepling did not know that good info
Since ancient times, there has been an association of the right hand with good; the left hand with bad or evil. We get the words "dextrous" and "sinister" from Latin for left and right.
Yes, and one time I researched the left hand (being left-handed myself), and I found that it is never mentioned in a positive context throughout the entire Bible.
Bavaria (where I live) is very catholic. During my mums childhood she was not allowed to use the left hand because it's evil. It's not like that anymore but back then kids were punished for using the left hand or left-handers forced to learn how to use the right hand.
Don't forget most south american countries
and central american
Like mexico
One of the reasons I refuse to adress people as they them is because in my language we have an article equivalent and it's often used for inanimate objects. I'm not referring to people as objects lol
And if I identify as an Apache Attack Helicopter? That's technically an object