Message from @LuckyPuffy

Discord ID: 772537361275551764

2020-11-01 16:48:29 UTC  

Or a series of law that are specificially intended towards black people. If there is such a law, the left can tell me what's that specific law

2020-11-01 16:49:39 UTC  

But because they only cry about systemic racism, but **never** bother explaining, I can't believe their movement. I do not live in the US to have a better chance at believing them, but since many of you natives have dismissed their claims, I, therefore, cannot believe them.

2020-11-01 16:50:22 UTC  

And racial injustice? Come on, man! Affirmative action is literally racial injustice towards Asians, for example. But their view is unfortunately a tunnel view, which is sad.

2020-11-01 17:23:56 UTC  

Imagine thinking that stopping affirmative action is racist

2020-11-01 17:32:47 UTC  

affirmative action itself is borderline racist

2020-11-01 17:36:43 UTC  

universities have limited number of spots, why should someone less qualified academically be allowed in instead of someone more qualified academically just because the less qualified person was born in unfortunate circumstances? It's unfair to the people who actually work hard and were lucky enough to be born into fortunate cirumstances @diarkia124

2020-11-01 17:41:24 UTC  

Instead of blaming "the system" for lower success in school for others, why don't they look in the mirror and try to improve themselves?

2020-11-01 17:42:16 UTC  

Like my brother was in a ceremony for people who had the highest grades in high school and a bunch of black and to a lesser extent Mexican classmates complained calling the ceremony racist lol

2020-11-01 17:42:35 UTC  

yea pretty ridiculous

2020-11-01 17:42:56 UTC  

i thought u were on the other side u have to edit ur statement lol

2020-11-01 17:43:01 UTC

2020-11-01 17:43:40 UTC  

I might have misread what I wrote and tried editing lol

2020-11-01 17:43:57 UTC  

I knew my original statement was right

2020-11-01 18:00:39 UTC  

@Joe Cool am a bit late but ugh I hate people like that who think they have the moral high ground

2020-11-01 18:33:16 UTC  

O dear

2020-11-01 18:33:23 UTC  

Beautiful meltdown

2020-11-01 18:33:46 UTC  

Ah yes. Tolerense

2020-11-01 19:05:10 UTC  

> Imagine thinking that stopping affirmative action is racist
@diarkia124 Judging people based on merit and not skin color is now racist......... we are certainly living in interesting times

2020-11-01 19:06:44 UTC  

We live in a society.

2020-11-01 19:07:39 UTC  

"Oh so you're black? *knees down and raises fist while kissing feet*"
"Oh you're white?? RACIST, SEXIST, HOMOPHOBIC, TRANSPHOBIC...!!!!!!!!"

2020-11-01 19:22:15 UTC  

@Soulman we were told by mlk to judge eachother by character and they were found lacking

2020-11-01 20:15:31 UTC  

Claiming that Republicans are a dying party

2020-11-01 20:39:59 UTC  

What's going on in France?

2020-11-01 21:18:56 UTC  

So my mother works in a middle school
She started he job there after the last election (like mid 2018 I think)
And one of her coworkers pulled her aside and told/warned her that if trump wins, kids may be crying for a few weeks, there will be a lot of counseling (especially since she works in special ed) and some teachers and kids may need hugs if they’re really having a hard time, and you can do hug them secretly if no ones around to catch you

After my mother telling me that’s what she hears, didn’t know wether to be angry or laugh, I’d laugh at the fact the staff are snowflakes, but I get mad that these kids aren’t old enough to know about politics and that their teachers/ parents are feeding them this garbage

2020-11-01 21:33:28 UTC

2020-11-01 21:52:45 UTC  

Sorry mate, we don't let illegal immigrants vote...illegally

2020-11-01 21:56:12 UTC  

I wonder if you could extradite them back to the US if they came to the US solely to illegally vote and then went back to the UK.

2020-11-01 22:10:07 UTC  

Woof is extremely stupid.

2020-11-01 23:27:35 UTC
I'm sure you've all seen this, but

2020-11-01 23:27:49 UTC  

but I am laughing at the fact that people took this very seriously

2020-11-01 23:27:50 UTC  

what the fuck

2020-11-01 23:27:59 UTC  

good thing im asian then

2020-11-01 23:29:32 UTC  

Me too

2020-11-01 23:29:38 UTC  

so I don't have to focus on all those American BS

2020-11-01 23:29:55 UTC  


2020-11-01 23:29:56 UTC  


2020-11-01 23:30:09 UTC  

i cant say that bcs i live in cali sooooooo...

2020-11-01 23:30:32 UTC  

That african american kid is like wtf is he talking about?